First-year at the sorting ceremony

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Before Grace comes: 

Harry and Ron sitting at the Gryffindor table when a girl comes in, she's at their age and she looks around fascinated. She goes up to Dumbledor and says something to him, he looks at her with a smile. She goes in the line and waits for McGonagle to say her name. McGonagle says "Grace Smith" she walks up and gets the sorting hat on her head. Sorting hat: " Hmm, difficult. VERY difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh yes. And a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?" after a while with silence "Gryffindor". She walks down to the Gryffindor table and sits down beside Oliver and Ron. "Hello fellas, I'm Grace, who are you?" Everyone says their name and she looks at everyone. Draco comes up to her "another mudblood I see" she looks at him "oh shut up Malfoy, you know I could beat ur ass in everything" He looks madly at her and walks away, Oliver looks at her with a smile and says "where are you from and are you a mudblood?" She answered, "I'm not gonna say and yes, I am." She stands up and goes to the Gryffindor dormitory without telling anyone because she was sad and didn't want anyone to see. She thought about her parents, James and Lily Potter, and it made her sad that she couldn't tell anyone who she really was because it could put them in danger, she cried until she fell asleep. When the rest comes up she was already asleep. Hermoine looked over at her and sighed, she went to the others with a sad look. Nobody said anything. 

The next day:

Grace wakes up early and looks around, she has teary eyes, she changes into the house robes, skipped breakfast, and goes early to the class where she meets Hermoine. She looks at her "hey, your Hermoine right?" Hermoine answers "yeah, hi, are you okay? You walked away yesterday and you have teary eyes" She answered "yeah I'm fine Hermoine, I'm just tired, don't worry" They finish all the classes and Grace goes to a quidditch game where she watches Oliver play. She wants to play herself but doesn't say anything. He looks at her and flies down to her. "hey Grace, how are you doing?" She answered, "I'm okay Wood, how are you?" He answers "I'm okay" He goes back to play and she continues watching the game, she doesn't know why but she sees something in him that she knows he is gonna change her. After the game, Oliver walks over to her, "you stayed the whole game?" She smiles, "of course I did, I mean why wouldn't I" He smiled, puts an arm around her, and kisses her forehead. "I hate that we have to pretend we don't know each other,"  She says "yeah I know, but it has to be like that for a while" he sighed and kisses her. They go to eat holding hands. "I love you, Oliver." He smiles and goes to his friends while she goes to the table and sits down eating alone. Hermoine comes up to her and sits down "you don't have any friends either?" Grace looks up, "no not really, people don't understand me." Hermoine smiles slightly "people don't understand me either. I'm trying too hard, or I'm too smart, it's driving me mental" Grace giggles a little "yeah I feel you" They started talking and became friends that day. Harry and Ron came to the girls after a while and joined the talk. She looked over at Harry many times but never said anything. 

A week later: 

Oliver comes to Grace when she is with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine. He says "hello dear" Grace looks up at him and says "Hello Handsome." He smiles and kisses her. The rest looks shocked at them. She looks at them and laughs. Oliver lays his hands around her and pulls her closer while they start talking again. When its class Oliver leaves them after he gave Grace a big tight hug and kissed her gently,  after class Hermoine pulls Grace beside and says "you and Oliver?!" Grace giggles "yeah, we've been together for 5 months now, and yes I know him from before school" She looks at her "really? and you never told me???" Grace laughs "of course, not dummy, it was a secret, but I thought it was obvious" Hermoine looks at her "it was not obvious and I am so shocked" Grace laughs more "and I thought you were google I" Hermoine starts laughing, "I am google" They went laughing to the dormitory. Harry and Ron stood up and looked at them Harry say "you and Oliver?!?!" Grace and Hermoine laugh even more. Grace says "yes me and Oliver" Oliver comes in "what about me?" He walks over to Grace with a smile and grabs her hand. "you're really together?" Oliver smiles "yes I and Grace are together" Oliver and Grace went outside and hugged each other tightly. "Grace I love you" she smiles "I know," she says to tease him. He laughs a little and kisses her. "You sure?" She says "oh yeah I'm sure Mr. Wood" He laughs and hugs her. 

Grace Potter at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now