The scar and an unexpected game

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1 month later: 

After Harry, Ron and Hermoine started getting better friends Grace started feeling more alone, she wanted to talk with Harry, tell him that she was his twin, so she didn't have to lie all the time, but she couldn't, Neville started being nice to her and they became friends. Oliver didn't have a lot of time for her but she didn't really care, she knew it was hard for him to be at school and quidditch and get time for her. The hardest for her was to hide the scar. The only one that knew was Dumbledor. She needed to keep her head up and keep fighting. Suddenly her scar started hurting and she fell, she tried to stand up but she failed. She stood up after a while and ran to Albus Dumbledor's office, but she was stopped by McGonagle. The scar wasn't so bad now but it was still bad. She looked at McGonagle "I need to talk to Albus" she looked at her "okay then" She let her go through and she went to Dumbledor's office. "Albus, I need help, my scar, it hurts, it's so painful." He looked at her, "where is Harry?" she said she didn't know, they talked a while and the pain started to go away. "why did it hurt Profesor?" He looked at her, "I don't know dear, but I think it's time to tell Harry about you" She looked at him. "Are you sure?" He nodded. She walked away thoughtfully. She went to Oliver and he hugged her tightly. "hello my dear" she smiled slightly. "hello handsome" She laid her head on his chest and tried to relax, she felt more relaxed in his arm than anywhere else, she loved how he made her feel and she loved him. She walks with him to the dormitory, they went to her room and laid down on the bed, she snuggled closer to him and fell asleep in his arms. After a while, she woke up again. He was still there. "did I fall asleep?" she giggled softly. He said "yeah you did" before kissing her, "I guess you were tired" She nodded and laid her head on his chest. She got ripped to reality by Harry coming in. "Uhm, Grace, Dumbledor called us to his office" She looks up "Already, hmm, okay then, let's go" She kisses Oliver's head while he is asleep and leaves with Harry to go to Dumbledore's office. When they arrive at the office Dumbledor looks at them with an applicant look. "Harry, I need to tell you something" Harry looks at him "What? what's wrong?" He looks at Albus than Grace. "and why is she here?" Grace coughs and looks away. Albus looks at her "she's... She's your sister Harry" he looks at her "She's wat? your what?" She looks at him "Harry, I'm grace Potter, not Smith" Harry says "but it's impossible, McGonagle" before he can finish Albus says "McGonagle don't know" They talks for hours, and when they're done she goes to Oliver and lays down on his chest again. He was still asleep and not long after she falls asleep too. 

The next day:

Grace wakes up because Oliver is starting to wake up, she looks at him and smiles. "good morning stranger" He smiles and kisses her forehead. "good morning Beautiful" they look at each other, stands up and he leaves to go to his room to change house robes. she changes into hers and goes to eat breakfast with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine they were talking about a class they had later that day. Harry looked up when she sat down beside him and she whispered "hello brother" He looks at her and continue talking to the others. She starts talking with them and they talk about how Oliver is out for seeker for quidditch. She looks at them and says that she want to take it, but she don't know if she should take it. They started talking about how Fred and Goerge Ron's big brother's is at the team and how much Ron wants to be at the team just to show them that he can. Harry giggled and they all went to class. After class, they meet up but Harry and Ron, and Hermoine had to do something so she went to try out for the seeker spot while she was trying out for the team she had a wired feeling in her stomach that something would go terribly wrong, but she doesn't know why. She had a really strange feeling that something would happen. When Oliver called her down after she found and took the snitch he said that the spot was hers and that he was happy she was a part of the team. She felt really happy and she went to talk with Harry, but he wasn't there, she sighed and went to Oliver, she kissed him and hugged him tightly. They went to the dormitory and laid down at the bed. She kissed him and sat up while looking at him. They looked at each other in the eyes and smiled. They decided to go to McGonnagle to tell her about her spot on the team. When they got to McGonnagle she already knew but she said congrats to Grace. They talked for a while and then they went to practice. She was catching the sitch when she heard someone say her name, She flew down to the person and saw it was Malfoy. "Draco, what do you want?" He looks at her "I don't get how a filthy little mudblood can play quidditch unless you slept ur way in it, of course, I guess the rumors are right, that you and Oliver is a thing" She takes her wand and points at him "careful Malfoy, you don't want me to become mad" Shes says angrily. He screams "Oliver help me, control your bloody girlfriend" Oliver comes to them and takes her wand away "Carefully, Now leave Malfoy before I change my mind and let her expeliarmus you away" He runs away and she looks at Oliver. "He made me mad, he called me a filthy little mudblood" Oliver sighed.    

The next day: 

Grace wakes up drenched in sweat. She had a nightmare, she looked around, it was still night, she notices she was alone, Oliver wasn't there. She tried to fall asleep again but she couldn't. She was stressed for the next day and she couldn't think straight. She went to the common room to see if anyone were there.  She saw Oliver there. "hey stranger, you okay" he looks at her and nods "of course I am Beautiful, why wouldn't I be?" He looks at her "but I don't think you are okay" She looks at him "I'm fine Ollie" She walks to him and kisses him gently and slowly grabbing his hand. They walk back to the bed and she lays down, he looks at her and lays down beside her. They fall asleep after a while. Oliver woke up early and left to change house robes and take a shower. When he finished he went back to her, hugged her, and left for an early class. When she woke up he was gone but she didn't think so much about it. She stood up and went to get breakfast. After breakfast she went to class with Hermoine, they talked about quidditch and how her dad was a seeker, just that Hermoine didn't know James was her father. They went to the class to defend against dark magic and Grace couldn't focus on the task. Draco was looking at her and he followed her every move. Then it was time for dueling and they got sorted into pair. She got with Malfoy when it was their time she said "expelliarmus." He got thrown at the ground and she felt relief until he stood up. They threw spells at each other until professor Quirrell stopped them because they were trying to kill each other. Draco was mad and get humiliated, Grace was surprised and didn't want to stop. A while after class ended Hermoine came up and asked if she was okay, Grace nodded and asked her to leave. She didn't mean it in a bad way but she heard it came out in a bad way. Hermoine looked at her hesitated and left, then it was time for quidditch and she went to get ready to play, it was an amazing feeling to be on the broom and it felt like it was only her and the broom. It was amazing and she didn't have any worries in her head at the time. When the practice was over she went to the Gryffindor common room. She sat down at the couch and started talking to Neville. He was really nice and they talked about the duel between her and Draco.  They both knew that he would kill her without hesitating, but she didn't care. After a while, Oliver came with the rest of the team and talked about the match towards Ravenclaw. She was looking forward to it. Only the thought of it made her smile. 

The Quidditch match and what happens after: 

The day of the match starts great, Grace wakes up early and goes downstairs to eat. Snape, one of the professors and the keeper of Slytherin's house comes to wish her luck in the game. She looks up at him and smiles, and says "thank you, Sir." He walks away and she is sitting with a weird feeling when he leaves, she thinks it's happiness but she doesn't know. The game starts exactly 1 hour after Snape said good luck and she was walking to her team. It was her first match ever and she was really looking forward to play. When she gets on the broom and get up in the air the whole world disappeared. She was feeling safe and had an amazing feeling. The game started and she looked after the snitch, Oliver and the rest of her team were protecting her and scoring goals. She had never been happier, but she needed to focus, she saw the snitch and chased after it, but she noticed something was wrong, the other seeker was falling to the ground. She looked at the other seeker but decided to go after the snitch, she needed to win, Gryffindor had lost so many points they needed it. As she chased the snitch she could see how the Slytherin seeker was up in the air again and how he wanted to get the snitch before her. He had a faster broom but she was already close. Until she started losing control over the broom, she fell to the ground without control over the broom, when she got on the ground she went up in the air again and chased after the snitch, she almost had it, but the snitch had other plans. It changed directions and it was hard to follow it, it was fast and impossible to know the plans of it, she followed it and stood up to catch it, she could feel how she held it in her hands. Then she fell, it was nothing but air down the next 500 feet. She wasn't scared and she could hear the crowd scream because they've won and couldn't see her falling. She didn't blame them, why would she, it wasn't their fault, but instead of hitting the ground, she landed in something soft. She won't know what but she knows it was something soft, she stands up and looks around. The crowd is cheering, They've won, she couldn't believe it. She had gotten the snitch. Gryffindor got 310 points, they had won towards Slytherin. She looked around at the fiend and smiled. She met Draco's look and she could see he wanted to kill her. He came over to her, she looked at him, he looked at her. "you filthy little mudblood shouldn't be here, you don't belong here" She looked at him "jealous Maloy?" He walked away with Crabbe and Goyle, she stayed there smiling. Oliver came over to her and smiled. "you did it, Grace, I'm so proud" She smiled and hugged him. "I did it, we won, we won the first game!" she said smiling. 

Grace Potter at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now