The fight with Malfoy

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(before I start with the new story I have to say I'm gonna go from she (with Grace) to I So it won't be so confusing and I'm sorry to everyone that really love Draco, his character will get better soon)

The day after quidditch:

I woke up early to be me and went to the common room, there was no one there. I looked around before I went to the great hall. I sat down and started eating. I still thought I was alone when I heard a cough. I jumped and turned around. "Malfoy, what do you want?" I asked. He looked at me, he had something searching in the look. "you're up early." he said. I nodded and continued eating. He sat down beside her. I looked at him. He was mumbling something and I could see the hate in his eyes. He stood up and walked away. I was watching him as he went away, I was confused and didn't understand what had just happened. I looked around. Hermoine came running towards me. I started eating again while she was running, when she finally arrived she sits down. "we need to talk" she says. I looked up, "what's up?" I said, I could feel my voice shaking a little. She looked at me and smiled softly. I smiled back. "McGonagle says you failing her classes, so I'm here to help you not to fail," she said. I sighed "yeah that's right, uhm how are you gonna help me?" She looked at me and smiled carefully. "meet me after quidditch." I nodded and we went to class, little did we know that we wouldn't have time to do it. After the class, I went to the quidditch field just to relax. I heard someone walk up to me and I turned around and looked into Harry's eyes. He looked at me with a smile. "hey, what's up?" he said. I smiled and said "I went here because it's my safe place, I love it here" He smiled and sits down on the ground, I sit down beside him. He smiles and puts an arm around my shoulder. "can I ask you a question?" he asks. I nodded and he asks "do you remember anything of mom and dad?" I think for a while until I shake my head, "no, but I've heard a lot, from where I lived" I look up at him, then he sighs "where did you live?" I looked up at the sky. "I lived with Dumbledore and Nicolas Flammel. I was mostly with Nicolas but I was also a lot with Dumbledor" I said. then he started thinking like he was struggling to find the words to say. "Can you help me, Hermoine, and Ron with something?" I nodded, "yeah sure, what do you need help with?" He looks at her, "I'll tell you later" he said smiling, I smiled back and stood up and walked away. I stayed laying down looking up at the field. After a while, Oliver came and sat down with me. I looked at him and I could see the smile he was hiding. "hello stranger" I said. He looked at me "hello yourself." I smiled and laid my head on his leg.  He ran his hands through my hair. I continued watching the sky while I was in deep thoughts. 

The meeting with Draco: 

After Oliver left I decided to go to class again, but before I get to the class Draco goes to stand in the way.  He sends me an evil smile and I try to walk past him. He continues to stand in the way. "I have a class I need to get to Malfoy, so I don't have time for your jealousy," I say slowly. He looks at me with a judging look. I walked past him but he pushed me back. "I'm not done with you yet mudblood," he says in a weird tone, I could see something was wrong. I went closer to him. "Draco, this isn't you" He mumbles something and grabs his wand. I jump backward without knowing what to do. I couldn't remember what Nicolas said I had to do in these situations. I froze, didn't breathe, and didn't move, I was terrified but I couldn't show it. He said "expeliarmus" and I got thrown into the wall. I stood up while I was bleeding from my nose. I grabbed my want and says "protego!" He looks at her, waits for the spell to hit him. I smile, he raises his wand and says "levicorpus". In that second I was so happy I did the protego. I raise my wand "Expeliarmus" he loses his wand, I raised my wand, and before I could do anything Draco picks up his wand again. "you are so dead!" He raises his wand again, hesitates, then says "crusius." I jump away before it can hit me. "Draco what the bloody hell are you doing?" He looks at me. I say "ecxpecto patronum!!!" The patronum goes in the castle to Harry who understands I need him. He followed the patronum back to me, I was laying on the ground pretty beaten up. I had a shaky breath and I struggled to stand up. He looked around and saw Draco. "Draco, what happened," Harry asked. Draco looked at him, "I... I.. I attacked her. I'm so sorry." Harry looked at him raises his wand, and says "sectrumsempra!" Then he falls down at the ground and holds me tightly. "are you okay? Did he hurt you a lot" I shake my head, leans on him and goes to Draco. "Are you okay?" I say while I hold my hand out to help him up. He nods and grabs my hand to get up. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I wasn't myself, I tried to stop, I really did." I looked at him. "it's okay, I'm not hurt that badly," I said while I was leaning on Harry as wiped my blood. Harry sighed and said "Let's go to the hospital wing." I shake my head. "no I'm fine, just take me to the common room and don't tell anyone about the fight." He nodded and helped me to the common room. I laid down at the couch while he was sitting closely so he could protect me if I needed it. After a while, McGonagle came in and looked at me. "are you okay?" she asks. I nodded and she sits down beside me. "what do you want me to do about Malfoy?" I look at her. "nothing, I don't think he had a choice, I think someone made home try to kill me, or at least scare me." She looked at me "very well then, but you should be happy Harry came to save you, because it could have gone terribly wrong." I nodded and sighed.  "but the thing I don't understand is how Harry found out" she said. I looked at her and shrugged "maybe he just knew" She shrugged and left the room. I looked after her and turned to Harry. "How did you find me?" I asked. He looked at me for a while and said "your Patronus, it led me to you, But how do you know how to use that hard spell?" I looked at him and shrugged "it's not that difficult" He started laughing and after a while, the pain disappeared at least a little of it. I was smiling and it seemed like I was okay but I wasn't. I and Harry talked about the rest of the classes that day because I couldn't go back, I wasn't allowed.  We talked about and our past. When class was over Oliver came running in. He looked at me, "Hey you, are you okay?" I nodded, "yeah of course I am Stranger" I said slowly. He looked at me and hugged me. "you sure?" He says. "yeah I'm fine" I answer, I started feeling pain again but I didn't care. I wanted him to keep hugging me so I could put it behind me. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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