Shield Enterprises and Unplanned Alibis

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A/N: Hey again! As you can see, I'm back again. Thankfully, I'm feeling a lot better these days in terms of inspiration and stuff, and hopefully I can update more often. I'm so sorry for the delay. It's just i don't have much free time anymore. As per usual, please enjoy this chapter and thank you so much! ☺️

Song for this Chapter: Can't You See Me? - Tomorrow x Together

"How does Midoriya know me and Todoroki were with Hado?"

As those words are uttered, the room goes so silent that you can practically hear Toga's bobby pins fall out of her hair and onto the floor.

All eyes are on me and I gulp. Ashido has her eyebrows furrowed at me, Kacchan's staring blankly and Kirishima's piercing glace tears into my soul. I screwed up. I might as well be eliminated on the spot.

"Well, are you gonna answer, Deku?" Kacchan's arms are crossed on his chest, his look sending chills through my whole body.

"You can answer, can't you? You're being awfully suspicious," Ashido mutters.

"Tomura! Get the camera!" Toga whispers to Shigaraki who gets up frantically at her command.

Kirishima's teeth bare, a glossy overlay taking over his blood red eyes as a large vein protrudes from his tightened neck and his his hands ball into fists. He lets out a deep grunt, his hands raise and slam back down onto the table with a bang. "Talk!" He yells, cracks hiding in his panicked voice.

I flinch, raising my hands in front of me with a whimper as the lump in my throat blocks any thought I have from leaving through my mouth. "Let me explain! It's just-" I stop to take a deep breath.

Oh, let's see here. How do I tell Kirishima that I know about Hado talking to him and Todoroki and that she was supposed to be tending to the Princess's needs because of her abusive 'father'? How am I supposed to tell him about the hole in the Deviance Dimension, the fact my own mother was in the game and that I've been going behind everyone's back to escape? It's not like we're all going to come back alive anyway.

I inhale, digging my face into my now dampened hands as I avoid eye contact with Toga, who-even if she's got the camera out-is glaring at me with her piercing amber eyes.

Before I have the chance to say anything, Kacchan speaks up, cutting off my train of thought. "I remember I was talking to Deku in the garden about something and then he ran off and said he needed to go the bathroom," he says.

Hold up. Bathroom? Is he covering for me? Giving me a different alibi?

I keep my eyes on the table, only muttering sheepishly as Kacchan's reassuring look bores into my body. "Ye-yeah. I just had a lot of those Cosavan...wait what were they called again?" Beads of cold sweat soak my forehead, as Toga cheers.

"Oh, you're talking about my famous Cosavan spinach cake! I was taught by the best chef in the realm and they asked me to help a bit in the kitchen before the Halftime Show. Did you like it? Was it scrumptious?"

Ashido's eyes roll. "Well, if he went to the bathroom because of it and for that long, it definitely gave him the runs."

Toga shrugs, crossing her arms on her chest. "He-he can't have been using the toilet for that long because he knows about Todoroki and Kirishima talking to each other!"

"You're just mad that your cake is shit," Ashido scoffs.

Kacchan lets out a loud sigh. "Jesus fucking Christ can we just talk about what's important here?!" He yells, then takes a deep breath and continues. "Deku came outside to visit me so he could actually breathe instead of getting fucking suffocated in a hall full of people who probably inhale deodorant and expect it to clean them from the inside."

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