Part 1

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"Damn it Jayne" I scream as she runs into the swarm of walkers. She cant seem to figure out that the walkers are harmful to her. I don't see how that could be hard to comprehend. I obviously have to run after her i mean shes my little sister and all. Ever since mom died a year ago when the disease started to spread all over the country, we've been here on our own. We haven't ran into anyone we wanted to stay around yet. No one really wanted two teenage girls in their group, so we travel around trying to find a place we could call home or a group to travel with.

"What?! Im saving us stupid!" She yells back at me

"Ha! Saving us? You do realize we are running into a swarm of unpredictable cannibals right?!" I dont understand her sometimes. I stab my pocket knofe into the flimsy flesh of a walker who appears to be a woman in her 20s or so. Her life ended because of this stupid shit that happened.

God had this planned out and never gave us a chance to figure out how to save ourselves. He made us suffer through the pain of life just to become these disgusting pieces of shit.

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