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Harry Potter was sat in an empty compartment hiding from his so-called friends, while thinking over the course of the previous school year. The Tri-Wizard Tournament had decided to grace itself at Hogwarts that year, and from there everything went to shit. Harry couldn't fully understand how the two people that were meant to stand by him through thick and thin, could so easily believe the lies that were said about him. How they could turn their backs so easily, only showed him how much they must value his friendship.

However, there was some good things that had come out of the whole mess, even if they had left him with more questions and doubts, that he had held before. The first, was his friendship with the newly graduated Marcus Flint. Two days after his name had come out of the Goblet, Marcus Flint had walked up to him and said three words. Three words that had meant the world to him, as Marcus was the first person to say them to him. 'I Believe You'. Harry couldn't understand how three simple words could have started a completely new friendship, that had led to some rather interesting revelations.

After spending all their free time together, including Hogsmead Weekends, there was a mutual attraction between the two, but neither made a move to explore it. It was on the last Hogsmead Weekend when Harry was given even more questions. Marcus had been waiting for Harry at the Hogwarts' gates, when he had spotted him, and due to everyone hating on Harry, the group that had walked past him, had tried to push Harry to the ground, causing Marcus to reach out to break his fall, only to frown in confusion. Marcus had explained what Glamours are, because Marcus was positive that he had one on him.

During their time together, Marcus had given him a crash course, just so that he had the basics, of how things within the Magical World were really run like. After having his mini crash course, it made him think about why his so-called friends had not said anything to him about it. Especially the Weasleys, as they are also Purebloods, even if they were disgraced, which he found out due to Marcus. Marcus had also pointed him in the right direction of what books to get, so that he could learn, however, even though they had turned their backs on him, Ron and Hermione had stopped him from learning anything from them.

Even then, that wasn't the most confusing thing to happen that year. It had been during the Graveyard that his whole world view changed. Just when he thought that nothing else could change, the Dark Lord Voldemort just had to prove him wrong.

*Flashback begins*

Harry was tied to the Headstone with stone chains that seemed to come out of the stonework itself, while he watched the sniveling little man, known as Wormtail, robe his master. However, what confused him, was the fact that there wasn't one ounce of fear in him. Rather, it was the feeling of family, and belonging, that seemed to resonate from his very bones. Not ever feeling this before, he stayed quiet, and watched the monologue that Voldemort had seemed to delve into. It wasn't until the Dark Lord went to put a finger on Harry's head, that either one knew something wasn't right.

Tom Marvolo Riddle, or better known as the Dark Lord Voldemort, placed a single finger on Harry's head before he stopped short. As soon as the finger touched skin, he had felt the dirty, murky magic that seemed to coat the entire teenager. Slowly taking his finger back, Voldemort looked intrigued as he looked towards the teen. "Tell me Harry Potter, do you have a Glamour on you?" Voldemort asked, also noticing the quiet that had fallen upon those behind him.

Harry was confused, this was the second person to tell him this, and to be honest, neither of the two had a reason to lie to him. "I don't know, but someone else has also said the same thing." Harry replied, surprised at how level his voice was.

Voldemort stayed quiet but kept his eyes on Harry, as he thought back to that fateful night. "You had one on that night as well." Voldemort spoke aloud to himself, but due to the quietness of the Graveyard, everyone had heard it. Bring back eye contact between the two, Voldemort spoke again. "Tell me Harry Potter, what do you know about your family tree?" Voldemort asked, curiosity over taking him.

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