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Let's see what taekook are doing in the bedroom.......


"What do you want to watch?" Taehyung asked.

"Umm........Anthing you like." Jungkook replied.

"Sure!" Taehyung played a movie. It was called 'Home'. It was about aliens. BUt aliens weren't Jungkook's cup of tea. He opened his mouth to say something but he saw Taehyung enjoying it and he also noticed how Taehyung's room was decorated with alien posters and figurines. So, he decided not to complain and watch for a little longer.


When Jungkook couldn't take no more, he picked up the remote and paused the movie. Taehyung turned his head towards Jungkook.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Uh....could you perhaps play a superhero movie?" Jungkook requested.

"Uh......sure." After that Taehyung played a movie and it was Jungkook's favourite one. It's name was 'Superman: Man of Tomorrow'. 

Jungkook was enjoying the movie. He thought Taehyung was too. But when Jungkook glanced at Taehyung, his face was blank. Jungkook paused the movie.

"Taehyung, are you alright?" H asked, concern written on his face.

"Yea." Taehyung shortly replied, face still showing no expression. Jungkook hesitantly nodded and played the movie again.


"Yeah! Kick their butts!" Jungkook cheered as he fist- bumped the air. He looked at Taehyung with a big smile, expecting to see Taehyung cheering too. When he saw Taehyung frowning, looking totally uninterested, Jungkook paused the movie again.

Taehyung whipped his head towards Jungkook.

"What's wrong with you!? Can you stop pausing and let this........ this.......stupid movie finish!?" Taehyung shouted at him, getting annoyed by the fact that Jungkook kept pausing the movie every second.

"Stupid!? The alien one was stupid!" Jungkook said, getting annoyed by Taehyung's uninterested behaviour.

"What? That was not stupid!" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at Jungkook.

"Yes it was! There were some purple things with thousand of legs that kept wriggling!" Jungkook said, gagging.

"They were not wriggling, they were walking, it's their legs!" Taehyung fired back offended.

"Whatever, I don't care about those things." Jungkook said, waving his hand in the air.

"They are aliens." Taehyung emphasised.

"Yea yea." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"You---," Taehyung took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself down. "Why do you even like superheroes?" He asked in a softer tone.

"What do you mean!? Superheroes are the best and everyone  likes them exept you! I don't know why...." Jungkook mumbled the last part.

"What? Aliens are the best!" Taehyung stated.

"No, superheroes!"

"No, aliens!"







"Ugh!" Jungkook looked away breaking their eye-contact then looked back, glaring at the brunette. Taehyung glared back.

"Superheroes/ Aliens!" They both shouted together.

"Why aliens? Aliens are always villains. Superheroes are the winners. You can tell by the name!" Junngkook snapped at the last part. Jungkook took a deep breath, stood up and walked to the door.

"I am leaving. And....superheroes are the best." He softly said. Taehyung gasped.

"No, ali----" Taehyung was cut off when Jungkook slammed the door shut before Taehyung could say any more. Taehyung's blood boiled as his cheeks turned a light shade of red.

"Ugh, " He groaned. "Finally."


Jungkook stomped downstairs. He walked towards the couch where Taehyung's dad and his mom were seated.

"Mom, I want to go home." He demanded.

"Jungkook, behave." Mrs.Jeon softly whispered.

"Mom, I said I want to go home." He said, stomping his feet.

"Jungkook...." She glared at him warningly. He huffed and plopped beside her on the couch.

"So, what were you saying?" They both started their boring talk again. After a while of listening to them talk about things he couldn't understand, he had enough.

"I am going." He informed standing up, stomping his way to the exit like a spoiled brat he was. He walked out of the bakery, the bell chimed as he did.

"Jungkook!" Mr.Kim called out.

"He'll be fine. I am sorry for his behaviour," His mother assured. "By the way, where were we?"


Done!! @Boby_Yoongles_107 said that Mrs. Jeon only cares about talking lmao. 

Anyway, I love when taekook fight. And I love 'Home'! I don't even know about the superman one lol! I searched up superhero movies........

Anyway Happy reading !

Anyway Happy reading !

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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