watching the sunrise

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Violet's P.O.V

Klaus woke me up after I'd slept for a few hours. He looked extremely tired. I told him to

"SLEEP." I whisper shouted "NOW."

"Mhmm yeah, yeah...night Violet" he mumbled before collapsing into a heap, almost squishing poor Bea. I then took my position at the front of the boat. It looked like it was almost time for the sun to come up, the clouds were turning pink and the horizon was slowing turning yellow. It was so beautiful. I'd never been up this early, it must have been about 4 am. Jee Klaus, how long did you let me sleep? Much longer than I should have anyway. I hadn't thought much about what we'll do when we arrive, only that we'll find somewhere to live and maybe try and find people we know but apart from that, I had no plan. It would be best to try and find people we know, who was there apart from Mr Poe. There was no way in hell I would associate myself with that man ever again. I suppose there's Jaqueline if she isn't still the Duchess of Winnipeg. (tHAT'S IN CANADA!! more musical references!) Or maybe Kit's brother? Lemony? We've never met him. Kit said he was a writer I'm sure we could look him up somehow. The only other people I can think of are Captain Widdershins and Fiona on the Queequeg...There was, of course, the Quagmires but none of us knew if they survived that storm or not. I truly hoped they all managed to survive. We didn't get to say a proper goodbye and I barely knew Quigley at all. I hope the universe is on our side and I get to see them soon. Hope I get to see Duncan soon. I miss him.

Our time at Prufrock was only bearable because of Duncan and Isadora. They understood us and made us feel like we weren't alone. Even my incredibly boring classes were bearable with Duncan sitting next to me. I was prone to distractions though. Hey, it isn't my fault his face is so damn cute! Curse his perfect genes and his adorable face! Sure, Quigley had the same perfect genes and adorable face, but they were different and Quigley's hair was so unkempt, it worked for him though. During the short time I spent with Quigley, he was very confident and a bit of a show-off. Not arrogant, he just considered himself a ladies man. Not this lady's man mind you. Duncan, on the other hand, was much shyer and it took a while for him to come out of his shell. His hair, unlike his brother's, was always neat. I liked it that way. Duncan was also insanely charming when he wanted to be though and it always caught me off guard. He'd make some smooth remark and I'd have to try so hard to stop my face becoming a beetroot. One time, he accidentally compared me to a princess and he played it off so well, I was the embarrassed one. I also never got to tell him that I did actually see the DQ + VB engraving, they were forced to fly away from us too fast.

* * *

I almost dozed off but the sunlight kept me awake and before I knew it, the rest of my family was awake.

"Mornin' sleepyhead!" Sunny wandered up to me and gave me some fruit for breakfast.

"Thanks, Sun."

"You sleep at all?" She came and sat down next to me.

"A little" I rubbed my eyes. "What time do you reckon it is?" I squinted in the sun up at Klaus.

"I'd say about..." He made some hand movements towards the sky before concluding. "8:30 ish"

"Okay, well we've got all morning to do something before lunch!" We ate our breakfast before brainstorming some games we could play with the sparse belongings we had.

"Ooh ooh! I know!" Sunny shouted. "Truth or dare!!" Her expression turned devilish and I suddenly became scared. That little devil smirk normally means she's hatching a plot to embarrass someone.

"Okay!" We all agreed, though I could tell Klaus was equally as scared.

"Vi!" Oh no. Sunny prides herself on being an excellent eavesdropper and a fantastic fake sleeper, so she manages to pick up on all the goss. No doubt she'd ask me about something embarrassing I did and if it was true or not, or make me eat straight wasabi. "Truth or dare!" I knew it was always safer to pick dare but we were on a small boat in the middle of nowhere, so I said "Truth." Sunny grinned.

"Did you tell Duncan about the..." She tried to mime a word she didn't know "Scratchy writing on the fishy?"

"Uuhhm... no. I didn't tell him I saw it. Really wish I did though..."


"ShUt Up KlAuS!"

"WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN VI, NO ONE WILL HEAR ME SHOUTING. So I can shout: VIOLET LUURRVES DUNCAN! As loud as I want" Of course he'd take this opportunity to tease me.


He tackled me and we almost made the boat flip over. We just tackled each other before he started tickling me and I had to get him to


"GUYS! You gon make the boat flip if you no careful!"

"Sorry Sunny, it was a necessary precaution."

"It's true though, you loooooove her." Teasing my brother is fun. ^u^

"Yeah well, we're even, kay?"

"HA! You didn't deny it!"

"Neither did you!" He practically yelled. Sunny sighed.

"You both in love. We get it." That shut us up.

We sat back down and I said

"Well, I don't think we should play truth or dare anymore for fear of that happening again and we all go flying into the sea"

"Agreed," Klaus said. "How about we play...I spy?"

"Yeah yeah!" Bea seemed to like this idea.

"Sure" Anything to make sure the boat stayed upright. Klaus went first;

"I spy with my little eye..."


heyy so i hope y'all liked this. idk if it was weird but i need to fill a chapter with sOmEtHiNg! it's a bit basic but they'll arrive on land in the next chapter YAY!




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