[]Autumn, a new start[]

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Kaede Akamatsu is 16 years old now, and she can finally get her pokedex and bullet ring, and then, she's set for a official pokemon trainer!

She have always dreamt of becoming a pokemon trainer since ever she received her own pokemon - an eevee. In autumn, when she was five, her parents gave her the eevee as a gift. Then she started watching pokemon battles with her new pokemon and soon grew attached to them. You might ask why her dream isn't being the kalos queen. The truth is, she wasn't interested in fashion. She sure enjoys playing piano, but she never really cared one bit about how she looked. Plus, she wasn't exactly creative, so performing would be a lot of work.

But now that she's standing before the front gate of the pokemon researching lab, she was starting to slowly regret her decision. Eevee, sitting on her shoulders, squeaked to get Kaede's attention. It then squealed cheerfully in a attempt to cheer her trainer up. Kaede smiled softly. "Mh. Alright, I won't think of anything else, let's go in!" She said, walking into the lab.

It was very pretty in the research lab. the whole ceiling was made out of glass, with water and nature plants visible for everyone to see. Inside, there was lots of different pokemons, walking or swimming around happily, playing and having fun. Kaede smiled, then went upstairs to the guest area. The whole floor was covered with a red and black carpet, and a few tables with house plants lies there. There was also some bookshelves in the corner, and a PC for storing your pokemons. a few paintings hung on the walls, mostly landscape and oil color. It would be an old fashioned mansion, if it weren't for the lonely PC on the level.

The white counter is what caught Kaede's attentions, along with two other people. One of them was tall and scary-looking, his dark green messy hair and red eyes did not help. However, the boy was wearing a suit and tie along with glasses for some reason, and he seems to be having a friendly chat with the other boy. He was very short, and wore simple blue and black clothes. He had some kind of snow hat over his face, so Kaede couldn't see his hair but she was sure it was some kind of wheat color.

"There're just two people...where's the third person?" Kaede wondered. She walks up to them, smiling. "Hello! I'm Kaede, who are you guys?" She greeted. The tall one looked down at Kaede. "Hello! Gonta name is Gonta, nice to meet you," Gonta said, "I hope we become great friends! Gonta gentlemen, so Gonta treat Kaede gentlemanly!" He roared.

The other person took their hand off their hat, then walked up to Kaede. "My name's Ryoma. I'm just a simple average human..." He said, with surprisingly deep voice. It didn't sound cheerful, like Gonta. Instead, It had a more depressing tone to it, like he have been in a gloomy place for ages, and have forgotten what it's like to taste happiness.

"Ryoma...are you alright?" Kaede asked. Ryoma pulled his hat lower. "Hmph. No need to worry about me." He plainly answered. "hm...." Kaede mumbled. She then looked around the floor, hoping to see the professor. "Hey, where's professor Sonia?" Kaede asked the two.

"Hereeeeee!" A voice sang. It was the pokemon professor, of course. "I was just checking out some new datafiles, sorry for the long wait!" She said, walking towards the three. "I'm Chisa Yukizome, you can call me Professor Yukizome!"

She looked at Kaede, Ryoma and Gonta before her gaze shifted on the eevee on Kaede's shoulders. She seemed confused. "Say, isn't there supposed to be one more person here?" She asked, looking over to her rotom phone flying next to her.

[]Pokemon: Bullet fever[] A Danganronpa and Pokemon crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now