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Creeping along like a ghostly sun, the moon hid behind the growing storm clouds and, born from its silver rays, shapeless shadows swarmed over the palace. The grey mass above rumbled menacingly, heralding imminent rainfall. The trees stirred, restless, caught in the howling wind that rushed in from beyond the mountains.

Inside the ballroom, time had frozen. The crystal chandeliers shone their warm light onto the immobilized nobles. Only Taehyung, the Queen and Jisoo were unaffected by this magic spell.

Your black wings … don't you love them, little prince?

The Swan Queen stood before Taehyung, yet from her lips spilled forth a hoarse voice unlike her own. Glancing at the crack in the crystal pendant around her neck, the prince deduced that it must be the Black Mage who had successfully possessed her body. In her eyes he saw neither the twinkle of playful glee nor the iridescent specks that lit up her irises.

Taehyung gritted his teeth. He forcefully gripped her raised arm. Her wrist was so thin, he thought it could break under his fingers. His sudden action seemed to undo the Swan Queen's spell. His mother collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath.

He tried to yank his other hand free once again. She let him go without resistance. Her eyebrows furrowed and her breath grew shallow and ragged, clear evidence of her deteriorating state. Still, she raised her hand and flicked her forefinger. The porcelain mask that Taehyung wore was halved down the middle and dropped onto the floor where it shattered into a thousand pieces. Startled, the prince let go of her wrist and stumbled backwards.

“You’re the Black Mage, aren’t you?” he said to the Swan Queen, his tone somber.


An eerie smile spread over the Swan Queen’s lips. Despite her haggard eyes, she had a certain air of confidence about her. The air of someone whose plan was bearing fruit.

The black stain that covered her hands and arms had spread further up. Dark streaks blemished her once snowy skin.

Black, smokeless flames sprouted at the Swan Queen’s feet, licking at the delicate silk organza. Like ink smearing paper, the flames spread over the gown and dyed the fabric a perfect black color. By the time the strange fire was gone, she resembled a beautiful black swan.

Many a night have I dreamt of the Swan Queen as my bride. Now, this dream is about to materialize. Isn’t she breathtaking, little prince?

The prince remained silent.

I have a simple proposal for you. Surrender your body, and the Swan Queen lives. Refuse, and by sunrise she will be no more. Which will you choose?

Taehyung pondered this bargain. He held no intention of becoming the Black Mage’s host. Yet, as the rational side of him urged to reject this proposal, his tongue was tied and his thoughts astray. Jisoo had fallen victim to his family’s past. Abandoning her now would be an unforgivable act on his part. The strings of fate had woven around him, connecting his heart to her, and the memory of his promise to her the previous night — the vow of a lifetime together — made all reason crumble.

He was about to give his answer, but was interrupted before he could speak.

“What absurdity—!” came the Queen’s voice. She had risen, a deep frown darkening her icy blue gaze. “The blame is all mine. Taehyung shall take no part in your madness, Black Mage.”

You truly try my patience—

A sudden, piercing scream rose from the crowd around them.

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