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Selena Gomez - Abigail Salvatore
(Let's just imagine she has blue eyes)

Selena Gomez  -  Abigail Salvatore(Let's just imagine she has blue eyes)

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This is Abigail Salvatore. This book is starting at Season 3 Episode 12 of The Vampire Diaries, I started at this season and episode because it's the easiest place to add Abigail to the story without it being too complicated.

Abigail's POV
I was currently driving to Mystic Falls from Florida, I hadn't been to Mystic Falls for a century, I left as soon as I could. I've travelled a lot and met a lot of people, yet I only fell in love once and it was the biggest regret of my life. I began going by a fake name, Amber Hall, in 1926 when I moved to Las Vegas. I had changed my name for many reasons, the biggest one being my brothers, they had done a lot of terrible things in the past and I had to deal with the consequences, it's safe to say I definitely wasn't as strong as either of my brothers and was barely able to fight any of my attackers off without a serious struggle. I was turned into a vampire when I was 16, I'm 9 years younger then Damon and 2 years younger then Stefan meaning I was 14 when they turned and was turned 2 years after them, and to be completely honest I don't know who turned me and what blood line i descend from. I haven't spoken to either of my brothers for a very long time, I last saw Stefan in Chicago, 1922 and last saw Damon at some point in the 40s in New Orleans. I continued driving, focusing on the road and saw the soon approaching 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign, as I entered Mystic Falls I saw the clock tower and a some shops, i drove towards the town centre and parked my car on a street to walk around for a while.

As I walked around, I saw a restaurant called 'The Mystic Grill', how original? I entered the building and the bell above the door rang, I walked up to the bar and took a seat to order a coffee, because lets face it there's no way I'd get served alcohol in here. There was a seat left between me and this guy, he had brownish blonde hair and stuble on his face, he wore a shirt and a jacket over the top, he had a bottle of bourbon and a glass next to it that was a quater full with bourbon.

"Hey", the man said turning to me with a slight smile.

"Hi", I responded with an enthusiastic smile

"Are you knew to town?" He questioned, "I've never seen you before."

"Uh...yeah." I said, of course I was lying but I couldn't tell the truth.

"Well, I'm Alaric" He said and held his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Amber" I lied and shook his hand. Then my coffee was placed in front of me, "thank you" I said to the woman that placed my drink in front of me. Me and Alaric continued to talk before we were distracted by the bell above the door rang signaling that someone had entered the grill, I slightly looked over to see who entered, it was a familiar dark haired and blue eyed man, you've got to be kidding me, Damon's here. I looked down at my drink, hoping that Damon wouldn't notice me, he walked over to the bar and took a seat on the other side of Alaric.

"Ah, Damon this is Amber." Alaric said motioning towards me, Damon looked over to me and squinted his eyes, examining me closely.

"Abigail?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm Amber", I attempted to lie, I knew it wouldn't work but what was the harm in trying.

"Keeping up with the lies I see" He said, he stood up and walked towards me.

"Damon, I may have lied just but I didn't lie back then and you know it" I said and looked him in the eyes and we glared at each other.

"Do you two know each other?" Alaric asked, pointing a finger between the two of us.

"You could say that." I said, rolling my eyes at Damon.

"She's my little sister." Damon said, never taking his eyes off of me, "Now you're going to come with me to the boarding house and you can explain why the hell your here." He continued, giving me a death glare.

"No." I simply said




"Nooo" I stretched out my word, "look I'll come by later tonight and we can talk then, I'll explain whatever you want to know."

"Fine, me and Stefan will be waiting for you." He said and went to walk away.

"Stefan's here?" I asked, obviously I knew the answer, I just couldn't believe it.

"Yep," he said and smirked, "see you later little sister." He then walked out of the grill.


That's it for the first chapter, let me know if you enjoyed it.

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