the bathroom incident

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After my unfulfilling night of no sleep I got dressed and went to school. To be honest school wasn't that bad for now, now that I'm actually paying attention. I sit at my desk and and get my note book out of my back pack. The teacher entered the room and paused before looking at me. " I'm shocked you're actually coming to class on time!" The teacher smiled brightly before sitting at her desk, students started flooding into the class room and sitting at their seats.  But one stood out from the others, Travis Phelps. I got flustered and hid my face in my arms. 'god damnit Travis what are you doing to me!' I sighed and sat up. Looking at the bored and writing notes in my note book for future reference. Our morning classes ended and it was lunch now. They were serving bologna for lunch today which was nasty who knows what that shits made of. I decided to chill in the bathroom today, nobody's usually in the bathroom during lunch. I enter the bathroom sighing. Then I heard fait sobs coming from one of the stalls. " Hello?" I ask. "Go away." A small voice said. " Hey are you ok?" " No leave me alone Larry." Who is this? I slowly approached the stall door. " I said go away." The voice said a little louder. " Travis?" I had recognized his voice considering He picked on us all the time. The voice was silent. " Don't deny it Travis, I know it's you." I said, he spoke up. " what do you want?" He mumbled slightly. " I wanna know if your ok." I said concerned. " No you only wanna know so you can use it against me." He mumbled. " No I wanna know Travis, is it something at home or-" I got cut off by Travis " NO THERE IS NOTHING GOING  ON AT HOME!" I'm not sure if this is me but that's a dead give away. " TRAVIS CALM DOWN!" I shouted, I heard shuffling coming from the bathroom. The lock clicked and out come Travis his face stained with tears. I went over to him and hugged him patting his back gently as he cried into my shoulder. " It's ok Travis it's gonna be ok, I'll find a way to get you out of this mess." For some reason this felt right to me, almost natural. I smiled looking  down at Travis who was sobbing. "Larry." Travis said. "Yes?" "How did you know?" He asked, sighing I said " well I kinda had an Idea but I wasn't for sure."

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