Chapter 11.

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The torrential rain hammered down hard onto the roof and hood of Louis Simon's car as he drove through the thunderstorm in the middle of New York City as he headed  towards Sid Prosen's  recording studio.
Giant puddles now lay like swamp like traps in the road as the car seemed to hit every one of them, making loud whooshing sounds as the wheels went through them. The rain was now falling so hard that it actually sounded more like pellets of rock being thrown from a great height onto sheets of thin metal.

Louis leant forward in his drivers seat, two hands gripping hard onto the huge steering wheel of the Hudson Ford, as he tried to see through all of the spray being thrown up from the other vehicles in front of him. Driving through the middle of New York was never the easiest even on a clear, dry day!
Right in the midst of a thunderstorm............. it was nigh on impossible!
The visibility was becoming almost nonexistent, as Louis Simon now  pushed the windscreen wipers onto total maximum.
The intermittent squeak that had been accompanying the backwards and forwards flow of the wipers was now full on and drowned out the noise from the loud rain and the whooshing sounds from outside.
It also drowned out the music that was being played on the radio inside also!

Paul Simon, who was sat next to his father in the car, gave a loud grunt of disapproval as he moved a hand across to turn up the volume.

"I Wish you'd fix that, I can't hear anything now ".   He grumbled at the noise the wiper blades were making.

Just as he said that a loud flash of forked lightning lit up the highway as well as the occupants inside the car. This was immediately followed by a loud crack of terrifying thunder which made them all jump out of their skins.

" Woah, that was close".  The sole occupant in the back seat, suddenly stated.  "We'll be really lucky to get out of here alive".

"Feeling scared are we Arthur?".    Giggled Paul, turning round to look at his blonde haired friend who was sat on the back seat with a book nestling in his arms.

"No...... Not especially, but boy that was a bit too close for comfort!".   He answered, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead, mocking a sweated brow.

Paul laughed at him before turning back round again to face the front.

"I do think perhaps you should slow down a bit though".  He then said to his Father, "This rain isn't easing and Artie does have a point, it would be nice to get there in one piece".

Louis glanced over at his son and immediately eased off the gas, without saying a word.

The short run from the car park to the inside of the recording studio building had rendered the boys almost soaking wet through, as the rain continued to lash down. Luckily there were mugs of frothy hot chocolate complete with marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles waiting for them both as they arrived indoors.
Sid's secretary June Stanhope, had made sure the boys would be comfortably warm almost straight away as she also took their wetted  coats from them to hang up to dry.

June, the middle aged motherly figure of the studio had taken the two teenagers to her heart. They, of course were the youngest artists to ever come through these doors and she felt it was her duty to take care of them both whenever they were here.
She would very often go out at a lunchtime especially to get their favourite sandwiches from the grocery store and soda pop for them both if they happened to be in the studio for most of the day. Sometimes she would give them a box of candy each too and had taken it upon herself to make sure they were very  well catered for.
June enjoyed looking after them both, but on one occasion though, she was left absolutely horrified when Paul cheekily asked if she would get him some cigarettes, to which Artie quickly diffused the situation by saying that Paul was in fact only joking! Then covered Paul's mouth up with his hand before Paul could argue that he wasn't!!

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