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Emmitt crouched on the ground, his head hanging low as he sobbed.

Cop cars with their flashing red and blue lights and loud sirens had pulled up along the bridge. Ms. Shepard and Mrs. Hendrix came pulling up in Ms. Shepard's small car. They slammed the car doors shut and came running towards Emmitt.

"Emmitt," his mother said, looking panicked. "Are you alright?"

"Where's my son? Where's Gavin?" Ms. Shepard said, to whoever that would listen.

Mrs. Hendrix crouched down to Emmitt, one hand on his back. "Emmitt?"

But Emmitt kept crying, filled with pain.

It didn't take long for the officers to lean over the bridge and see what had happened. Ms. Shepard ran up to a male police officer, grabbing his shoulders, desperate. 

"Where's my son?!" she screamed, panicking.

"Emmitt," Mrs. Hendrix said, grabbing his shoulders and trying to get him to look up. "Emmitt, what happened? Look at me."

The police offer grabbed Ms. Shepard and looked her in the eyes. "Ma'am, I need you to breathe. Stay calm. Let's get back from the drop."

Police officers started throwing up yellow caution tape, blocking off the bridge.

"I don't see him anywhere," Ms. Shepard said, her eyes now becoming red. "I can't- I can't, where is he? He has brown hair and he was wearing a black sweater-"

Emmitt stayed, his tears almost all gone. He could hear everyone around him but he blocked out the noises. His heart was slowing down, almost stopping. He could barely breathe, as he looked up to his mother, his stained face cold from the night wind. His mother quickly gave him a hug, wrapping him tight in her arms. "It's gonna be okay, alright?"

Emmitt went back to sobbing, his body feeling limp. He didn't want to move, or leave where he was. He simply stayed wrapped up in his mother's warmth.

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