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Kio and I where cuddling but when Kio and I were cuddling all the sudden you got a sharp pain in Your stomach so you moved off of kio and pulled all the covers and haled your
breath and kio said what's the matter Bubs and you said nothing but he saw you hold your stomach and said cramps? And I said yep and then kio said I will be right back to go get snacks but I looked at Him like this 🥺 and he said aww Bubs don't be sad I will be right back then he kissed you forehead and then I must of fell asleep because I woke up to kio waking me up and then he gave my a bag and I said ooo target thinggggg and then kio laughed and I looked in the bag and saw a panda teddy bear and snacks and I gasps and said oooo A panda and he said yep then I got the snacks out and put them on the bed and kio said movie? And I said yessssss and he said ok what movie and I said Mona and kio said aging we watched that one yesterday and then kio said how about cinderella and I said yeaaaaa !!!!! And he said okk and kio and I were cuddling but the. Like 30mins in the movie I fell asleep and kio noticed and kissed my forehead and turned the movie off and fell asleep.

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