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Kio was out with the boys and you were in your room and then it was about 1:50 pm and kio came in the room and I said KIO LOOK and he said DO YOU EVER JUST SHUT Up!!!!!!!and It scared me so I said oh yea sorry and turned your phone off and hid under the covers and kio said Bubs I'm sorry I just had a bad day with the boys today and I said nothing but kio jumped on my and started to tickle me and I started to laugh and then kio pulled the covers off and said movie?🥺 and I said ofc so kio and I cuddled and watched the first Harry Potter movie.And then I fell asleep but woke up to kio moving me  cuz he was going to target I get snacks so I said we're you going Bubs? And he said to go get some snacks and I said okk so he came back with all are fav snacks and drinks and I fell asleep again and kio made it all cute and stuff so he got a tray and put everything on the tray and he said ok y/n come in so I came in and said awww and started crying cuz of how cute it was. And kio said awwww y/n don't cry please it's going to make me cry. So kio walked up to me and wiped my tears and said cuddles and movie? And I said ofc so kio and I cuddled up in some very soft covers and ate are snacks and watched the Mandalorian and then kio and I fell asleep and then in the morning bryce and josh came in kios room and started jumping on the bed but you kicked them both of the bed then you made kio laugh so you laugh with kio. And whent back to bed.

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