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So kio and I were sleeping and then you grabbed your mouth and ran to the bathroom and throw up and kio knocked on the door and said Bubs you ok and I said go away kio said Bubs please and I said fine so kio came in and healled my hair and rub my back and said you ok Bubs ? And I said no and he said ok brb and put your hair up with a Scrunchie and said I'm going to target brb and I said okk see you in a bit and need throwing up but a bit after kio cane back and he say i was sleeping and so kio got all the snacks out and but a movie on and woke me up and said how you feeling and I said better but not that good and kio said ok that's good tho that your felling a bit better and I said yea and kio said cuddles? And I said yeaaaaasss so kio said ok and kio and I ate some snacks and we watched the Simpson's and fell asleep but woke up at about like 3:00 to bryce blasting Christmas songs and whent down stairs and kit bryce with a pillow and whent back to sleep.

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