Chapter 4

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"Sasha what kind of a punch is that?" Max asked while holding the punching bag in place. Yes the leader of Dauntless trains me and has been since I was five, he is practically my father, "I'm sorry, let me try that again." Max shook his head and walked in front of the punching bag.
"What's on your mind, Sasha?" I sighed and he placed his hands on my shoulders. "I've been working towards this moment for years and now that it's finally here it's just a lot to take in." He tucked a piece of my ash brown hair behind my ears with a small smile on his face. "The plan isn't going to happen until you've completed training and have become a leader, Sasha the only thing you need to worry about is making it through.
I know you can do this, you've got it in you." I smiled up at him and gave him a hug. "Thanks, Grizzly." "No problem cub." I pulled away from the hug lifted up my fist for our fist bump like we always do. "Now run along, I want you all rested up before you step foot into my compound." I laughed and walked away, I've never actually been to Dauntless before.
My training sessions have always been at Erudite, mother had a small training area built-in and Max came over everyday right after school, and now I need to quickly change out of these sweaty clothes so I can be with Damion tonight. When I got to my floor I walked into the apartment to find my mother nose deep into files, "How was training?" I closed the front door behind me.
"It was good, Max let me go early saying he didn't want me tired before going tomorrow." She didn't lift her head up from her papers so I just decided to go take a quick shower and change. I just grabbed a pair of black leggings, a blue t-shirt, and my blue running shoes, I walked into the bathroom so I could shower.
I turned on the shower, stripped out of my slightly damp clothes, and hopped in, what if they find out I'm Divergent? Will I hurt the people I lie to? Will my mother end up killing me? No, she wouldn't, I'm her daughter and she would never kill me, then again technically I'm not her flesh and blood.
No Sasha, stop it you know your mom would never kill you, maybe lock you up, but never kill you. I tried to stop these thoughts by washing up really quick, the sooner I can wash up, the sooner I can help Damion. I turned off the water, hopped out of the shower, and quickly got dressed.
I threw my hair up in a ponytail and walked out of the bathroom, "Sasha, can you come over here for a second?" I walked over to the kitchen table. "Yes, mother?" She finally looked up from her files and smiled at me. "How was the test?" I just stared at her for a second before answering. "It was good actually." I knew that's not the answer she was looking for. "What were your results?"
Her voice was low when she asked, "Mom you know I can't tell you that." "You know I'll find out anyway, might as well tell me ahead of schedule." I swallowed the lump that was forming in the back of the throat. "Dauntless." I went straight to the lie, no need to beat around the bush.
She smiled at me, "I always knew you belonged there and I think training helped you. You will do great there, I believe in you." I smiled at her and walked away. "Make sure you're back here before ten, you need sleep."I nodded my head and walked out the door to make my way to the lab which was ten floors below mine.
The elevator doors opened up to the lab, I walked out of the elevator and grabbed one of the blue lab coats off the hook, "Damion I'm here." I called out. No one else was in the lab tonight, most of the people went home early because of the Choosing Ceremony tomorrow.
"Back here." I walked into the lab further to see him mixing some chemicals together. "What can I help you with?" He set the greenish looking liquid down and looked up at me. "If you could hand me the memory serum behind you, that would be awesome."
I nodded my head and went over to the wall of serums we have here, I ran my finger along the different serums until I finally landed on the memory one. I grabbed it and walked back over to Damion, "One memory serum for you my good sir." He chuckled and took it from my hands.
We were in the lab for a few hours, working on a new serum, but now we are just sitting in the dimly lit lab talking, "Damion?" He looked up at me with confusion in his eyes. "Sasha?" "Will we still be able to see each other once I go to Dauntless?" My voice was soft.
I couldn't stand the fact that I was being ripped away from my favorite person and might not be able to see him, "If we know your mom, you and I both know that it might be a while before we can," I felt my face fall and his hand on my knee, "but we will one day. For right now let's not worry about all of that, let us enjoy tonight, alright?"
I nodded my head in agreement, "Now I was told that you get to change your name once you go to Dauntless, if I were to change my name, what should it be?" Damion placed his thumb and index finger on his chin to over-exaggerate his thinking. "I've got it, Bone Crusher!"
I shoved him as he was laughing like crazy, "I'm being serious here, can you at least think of something that doesn't make people run away in terror?"
He finally stopped his laughing fit before actually speaking, "Well you can call yourself Ash, your name is Sasha all you would have to do is drop the S and the A." I pondered it for a second before nodding my head. "Ash is a good one, what else?"
"Sasha, why do you want to change your name? I happen to love your name." I shrugged my shoulders at him. "The person who left me here on the steps of Erudite gave me this name, why should I keep it if she didn't want to keep me?" Damion grew silent, he knew I was right.
"How about Sun? Since I know sunshine won't really pass at Dauntless." I chuckled slightly at that comment. "Yeah, but with a name like Sun people will automatically call me sunshine and only you can call me that." We went back and forth like this for a little bit before we decided to leave the lab.
"I was wondering if you would like to join me and the family for dinner, I know it might be a while before we can see each other again." I nodded my head, I didn't even hesitate there was no need to. I love his family and I want to be with them for my last day here.
I'll get to see my mother all the time, but Damion? I might not even be able to see him until I become a leader, and that's not until next year. We walked into the elevator and he pressed the number 15 button. The elevator doors opened and we walked onto the floor and went over to his apartment number.
He unlocked the door to his place and the minute I stepped through the walkway I was hit with the amazing smell of food, "Honey I'm home!" Damion called out while he shut the door behind us. "Daddy!" I heard three little voices call out and run towards him.
He bent down so they can all hug him and so it was easier to hug them, the kids turned their heads towards me and I could see their faces light up so bright, "Auntie Sasha!" They said in unison and tackled me in a hug.
I wrapped my arms around them with a smile on my face, "How are my favorite kids today?" "We are great! Today I learned about cells in class!" I looked over at David, he's eight years old and looks exactly like Damion, he's very smart like him too.
"Mommy took me out for a walk today because I told her it looked beautiful outside." Next, I looked over at Aiden, he is six years old and a little ball of joy and happiness. "I pwaed with my dwolls." Little Emma, my perfect little angel. Emma is my favorite out of the kids, of course, I love them all, but Emma holds a special place in my heart.
"It sounds like you all had a great day today." They nodded their heads and grabbed my hands before bringing me into their kitchen. I saw Olivia in the kitchen, she looked like she was just finishing up dinner when she turned around and saw me, "Sasha!" She came over and gave me a big hug which I did the same to her.
Olivia was the complete opposite of Damion, she had long fiery red hair, blue eyes, and was a Dauntless transfer, it still amazes me that a Dauntless and an Amity transfer are together. I guess the whole "opposites attract" thing works on love too and not just in magnets, protons, neutrons, etc. When I pulled back, my eyes caught the tattoo that was poking out from under her watch, I wonder what it feels like to get a tattoo?

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