Chapter 9

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"I am going to guess that my mother won't let me see you until I've become a leader." It wasn't even a question, it was a statement. I know that she is going to want me to focus on this and that means 'no distractions at any time.

"Oh yeah, she gave me a whole speech on the way over here. Telling me that I should only say my goodbyes, throw in some words of encouragement, and be on my merry way. You and I both know that I'm not going to do as she says in a situation like this." I rolled my eyes and Damion chuckled at me. We sat in silence for a moment before I saw him place something in my hands and close them before I could see it. "I don't want you to look at that until we leave you, got it?" The stern tone in his voice shocked me for a moment, but I proceeded to nod my head.

"Damion," he responded by saying yes, "I'm scared." My voice broke at the end of my sentence that's also when tears started to breakthrough. "I don't want to do this." Damion wrapped his arms around my waist while I was having my little breakdown.

I wasn't crying, I refuse to cry here, again, at all.

"What did you get on your test?" He asked me as he pulled away. "What are-" Damion cut me off.

"There is a camera in the corner of the room that doesn't pick up audio, none of the security cameras here pick up audio. It is pointed at you so all you have to do is nod yes or no at the questions I am going to ask you. Okay? I am going to need you to trust me." My eyes slowly made eye contact with the camera before I slowly looked back at Damion. I trust Damion with my life, "Did you get only one result on the aptitude test?"

I slowly shook my head no at his question and swallowed a hard lump in my throat, "How many results? Two?" I shook my head. "Three?" I nodded my head.

"I promise you that I will never tell anyone alright? You have my word, I just wanted to confirm my suspicions." Was it that obvious? Could you tell that I was a Divergent? I was going to ask Damion why he was suspicious about me, but the door swung open, revealing mother and her stupid security team. The look she gave Damion made me remember that he had to leave, "Damion." He stood up from the chair and I did the same. Mother looked over at me with her version of a smile and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Make me proud." That's all she said before they all left me alone in Max's office.

Make her proud? Not exactly an easy task you want me to do mother, but I guess it's all she expects me to do. "Come on Sasha, time to take you back." I heard Max call out from in front of the door frame. I looked down at my closed hand, the one that had Damion's gift for me, I slowly opened my hand to see a necklace. The chain sparkled silver, but that wasn't what caught my attention. In the center of the necklace were three diamonds, one yellow, one royal blue, and the other one was black. They all represented each faction in my life, my home faction, my new faction, and the faction that I really wanted to call my new home.

Damion always knew me more than I knew myself, he also seemed to read my mind since he knew things I have never told him, "Sasha?" I looked up at Max and something seemed to click inside of me. I needed to start embracing Dauntless whether I didn't want to be here or not, "It's Ash now." I smirked at him and he nodded his head. "I like it, welcome to Dauntless... Ash." He smiled at me, I grabbed the bag I was given, and we both walked back over to the dormitory, where all my fellow initiates were walking in and out of.

"There you are! I want to introduce you to some people." Sonja grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a group of boys. "Guys, this is Sasha," I looked at the group of boys and waved, "Sasha, this is Jericho, Tom, and Jordan."

"It's Ash actually," I told them.

They all had brown hair and brown eyes, but they were built differently, Jericho was slim unlike the other boys, who had a little more meat on their bones. "What factions were you guys from?" I asked the boys. "I am from Erudite," Jordan said while smiling at me. There was a reason he looked familiar to me, I must have seen him walking around Erudite and he must have been in some of my classes. "I knew you looked familiar to me, I used to be-"

"Erudite, I know. You are the daughter of Jeanine Matthews, we also had some classes together." I nodded my head at Jordan, it is going to be weird having to introduce myself here since everyone knows who my mother is. "I am a Dauntless born," Tom spoke up and you could instantly tell he was. He had bright blue hair while his brown roots were peeking through, an eyebrow piercing which looked hella amazing, and I noticed a few tattoos poking out from his long-sleeved shirt, "If you are Dauntless born, what are you doing here with the transfers?"

"I was talking to Jericho and Jordan in the dining hall, then Firefox came up to us with a big ball of energy and I honestly couldn't find another like her to hang out with, after talking for a bit I somehow followed her, and these two." His voice had a slight accent to it and I loved it. In all honestly, I could listen to him talk all day, "Well it's nice to know you would listen to me talk all day, although my parents and all my friends would love to have me shut up for more than five minutes." My eyes went wide while my face heated up. "I am sorry for saying that out loud, that's one of those things that I should keep to myself." He laughed for a moment before saying it was nothing, oh god Sasha you are an idiot.

"Don't know if the question is still out there, but I am from Candor," Jericho spoke up and from how he just spoke up, you could definitely tell he was from Candor. "Not trying to be rude, but what type of name is Jericho?"

"It's just a nickname I was given from my friends, don't ask why because I don't even know. My real name is Tucker."

"I'll just call you Tucker if that's alright?" He nodded his head at me with a smile which I did the same. "What's in the bag?" Sonja asked while trying to grab it from my hands. I kept moving the bag away from her hands so she wouldn't take it from me, "Medical stuff." Was all I said, but it still didn't stop her from trying to grab my bag. "Is that why Max wanted you?" Tucker asked me, grabbing Sonja's hand and yanking her down onto the floor in front of him, "Stay."

"Yeah, my mother came by for a minute to drop it off. Guess being the daughter of Jeanine Matthews has some perks." I mumbled the last part under my breath as I made my way to my bed to put the bag under my bed. "We should get tattoos and piercings!" Sonja jumped up from the floor, but Tucker pulled her back down to the floor. "Does the term 'stay' mean nothing to you?" She obviously didn't listen as she sprung up again from the floor. "We've only been here for a handful of hours, shouldn't we be here for a few days before we start to pierce and ink our bodies?"

My question was labeled useless as I saw multiple transfer initiates walking into the dormitory with either tattoos, piercings, and new hairstyles as well. "Guess they didn't get the whole 'wait for a few days' memo." Jordan said to me and I rolled my eyes. "When did you get your first tattoo, Tom?" Tucker asked him. "I was ten when I got this one." He rolled up his right sleeve to show us his wrist tattoo. I walked over to him and grabbed his wrist, "The Dauntless symbol." I stated and he nodded. "Did it hurt?" I asked excitedly, now I kind of want one right now. "It stung a bit, but other than that it didn't hurt." I looked at the three behind me with a guilty smile. "It wouldn't hurt to look at the tattoos."

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