Fried Cake

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With the whole Covid-19 going around terrorizing the whole state, I was stuck with my pain-in-the-ass homework in the laptop. Well, it's not like I can do anything about ditching notes. I have my Maths teacher throwing homework at our faces. The Chemistry teacher is happily giving us assignments on God knows what experiments on the color of iron and copper after it is dipped in something in drops and excess. As my hand ran over the paper of my notebook [fast and furious], my 'can't keep quiet for a millisecond' sister interrupted my battle with the notebook.

From the look on her face, I could guess her next line. I accidentally promised her yesterday, that I will make a cake with her as per her birthday. Her birthday had long passed, but her awful stubbornness cannot be extinguished that easily. "Sister, you said..." Sh*t, here it comes! Take Cover! Think of an excuse! "Yeah, yeah, I know. Wait till I have completed." I said. Whew, saved! She pouted her face but nodded. I secretly grinned and looked at my laptop. My smile drooped. God, seriously are you kidding me?!

I was at the last page of my notes. Actually, to be more exact, the LAST paragraph of the whole notes! Now, I understood that there were many great things in writing slower. But, I can't just give up and walk into the lion's den right away! "Sis, why don't you go and play on your i-pad? I will finish the notes and come." I said as I started to write again. But she didn't move. Instead she said, "But its over, right?" "Who said that?" I asked annoyed. But she didn't budge. "That slider at the side of the page, its already down there."

Great! Just Great! Why is she awfully clever in these aspects? Don't think that I am exaggerating, but she is really cunning. To watch Netflix, she would wait for her Dad to enter into his meetings and then hang around to get on his nerves, until, he says in frustration, "Just go, do whatever you want!"... Devilishly clever!

I halfheartedly completed the rest of the notes and walked like a dead man to the kitchen behind my enthusiastic sister. "So, what is it today?" I asked, already taking up the flour and eggs. I need to get this stupid thing done fast like my note book battle. "No, there is no flour or eggs needed." She said.

Huh? No flour and eggs? What kind of cake is that? I have seen videos about eggless cakes [which I never tried, I love eggs], but then flourless cake? How is that possible? Wheat cake, maybe? Is it good?

I was sure there was some question marks sprouting out of my head, because my sister replied, "We are making a biscuit cake!" Biscuit cake? Why is it familiar? Wait... Oh no! I did saw that video some days ago. It had no measurements and no surety it would work out great. There were some good comments below, but there are many other problems. "But, we don't have 2 covers of biscuits!" "I will adjust with 1 cover." She said without missing the beat. "But we don't have ENO powder!" I said. That made my sis think a little. I had a new hope. Now, there is a possibility that we won't make a cake. But, there can be a small problem...

"We can use baking soda!" Speak of the devil! "MOM!" Both of us said - She in happiness and me in betrayal. She was at the dining table, working on her laptop. She returned a sorry look at my face. Guess, it must because, she may have to take my place instead, if I had left. Her unvoiced apology was the last thing I saw before the door of the kitchen closed, and I came face to face with my doom!

"Alright, I have taken the biscuits, sugar and oil. Could you please take a bowl and the baking tin?" She asked very happily, that you could almost see sparkles around her. Is it me or is she enjoying my misery in secret? "Okay" I mumbled with a sigh. I may as well get this done quickly! She began to empty the container with the biscuits into the grinder. Those were my favorite biscuits! 'My dear 'mom's magic' biscuits, good bye forever~!' I thought as I sadly took the tin and the bowl.

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