The Mirror, Chapter 1

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It all started when I came across the mirror, I peered into the mirror, the mirror Erised. I saw him the blond hair as white as snow, the green tie as green as emeralds and the piercing blue eyes. I didn't understand until I saw the inscription on the fading gold frame. It said "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt onwohsi" which translates to "I show not your face but your heart's desire" I understood what it showed, it showed what I desire I desire love, Draco's love. I visited that mirror every chance I could to see if it had changed because I believed he would never feel the same. One afternoon I visited the mirror after Defense Against the Dark Art's, on my way I felt as if someone was stalking me but I brushed it off as I thought it was a trick of an eye. I was leaving the room but I saw that Draco was blocking the door, he spoke with his angelic voice "Umbridge is having us keep an eye on Harry's friends". "So what do you see", "What do you see in the mirror," he said as he stared into my eyes I uttered, "nothing it's just a mirror". He stared me in my eyes and said "what do you see, this is the Mirror of Erised","and I know you know that, so what do you see", "tell me or I'll force my way in". I replied "Nothing you need to know," he remarked "I didn't want to do this" he waved his wand at me and shouted "Legilimens" I felt him go through my memories and thoughts "I shouted no stop" I suddenly blacked out and fell to the ground. I awoke on Draco's lap my head on his chest, I could hear his heart beating I smelt his cologne. I suddenly remembered he knows what I've seen and what I've ever thought. I buried my head deeper into his cloak with embracement, I felt him lean in and I heard him whisper I my ear "I like you to" I felt my face blushing. He clasped me tighter than he suddenly kissed my cheek, he told me "go".I stood up and headed to the door as I left I looked him straight into his eyes and spoke: "I'll see you tomorrow".

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