Holidays, Chapter 3 Pt 1

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Christmas Holidays are just around the corner and tensions are high as Umbridge is stirring trouble. Harry has started an army called the D.A (Dumbledore's Army), where we learn spells like expelliarmus. Harry hated Draco more than usual because he joined Umbridge's side but what he didn't know was that Draco did it for me, so he could protect me and stop me from getting into trouble. The Christmas holidays had rolled around, Draco and I were staying at Hogwarts. Every day was a paradise with him. On a cold snowy day, he took me skiing up above Hogwarts in the mountains above, the view was breathtaking I could see the frozen lake beneath the Castle glistening and glowing but as beautiful as it was, it was freezing. I felt like a child tugging on Draco's black woolly coat, he looked at me with his stunning blue eyes looking confused in a cute way, I hugged him and looked up at him and complained: "it's too cold, can we go back". he answered with a smirk on his face "No", I stared him down as he stumbled on his words "o, okay hear just take my coat" he layered it on me, it was warm and it smelt of his cologne. he picked me up and stated "what's going to keep me warm", I kissed him on his pail cheek and said "I will" he blushed and answered "okay" in agreement. We skied down the mountains till dusk tirelessly. We spent the night away on the highest peak on the mountains around Hogwarts, Draco rested his head on my lap as we stared at the bright stars overhead in the wet snow illuminated by the glow of the warm fire, I stroked Draco's blond silky hair as he slowly fell asleep in my arms. It was cliche really the couple falling asleep in each other's arms. I awoke to Draco gently shaking my arm, he whispered: "look up, look up at the sky" I stared at the lights emanating in waves of green, purple and blue above us it was the northern lights it was beautiful, the sight was ethereal. Draco held me as we watched the lights disappear into the horizon. In the morning we set off into the forest surrounding us it was beautiful, the last few days spent with Draco. Draco has a persona that every one thinks is real wich is that he is unruly, rude and even heartless but once he opens up to you he is non of the above he is loving, caring and has the biggest heart that I've ever seen which is a shame because no one has ever seen that side because everyone around him treats him badly and that's why he was forcer to take on this fake persona so he doesn't get hurt, so no one gets the chance to hut him. We entered the dark gloomy forest, Draco grabbed my hand and led me deeper into the forest at one point I felt like we were lost when suddenly Draco stopped, he pointed at the snow and whispered "look".

Part Two coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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