A life changing day

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When she turned thirteen, Charlotte was quite mature for her age, she knew that, and she thought it was because all she has been through, she knew how to behave in every situation, when to stop arguing. It might be because of that too that she was a really good student, she didn't have any problems understanding things. 

When last night she got into her room to find that letter, she was very shocked, because she had never received one before. She read it a hundred times before she went to sleep. It was her mother's, wishing her a happy birthday. "At last" she thought  "someone remembered my birthday". She went to sleep late, but with her hopes high again beacuse she thought that she might have a chance of meeting her family again. 

Next day she woke up very happy, she asked Ms Davis how she was doing, to which she answered:

- I'm very good, thanks how are you? 

-I'm fantastic Ms Davis, very happy

-Okay, so now you better run or you'll lose the bus

-Oh, right, I'm going, have a good day Ms Davis! 

On her way to the bus stop she helped everyone she found in her way, including Lucy, and when that happen Lucy said:

-What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think I need your help? 

-I do think so, since you cannot carry that bag alone, but if you like to play like you are the tough

girl, do what you want

Whilst Charlotte was living, Lucy and her followers looked while she was leaving to get the bus like they didn't know her

-What could have happened to her? - Said Lucy 

- I don't know, but I would like to know it because she looks very happy, she looks like she is going to be adopted or something like that

Lucy laughed and said:

- Please, stop that nonsense, how could anyone wanto to take her

Her friend thought for a moment and she let her friend change her mind abut what she thought about that girl.

That day went through with any diffenrce as the other days, the only thing that changed was her attitude towards them, she didn't listen to them as she did before, she just nods at them and thinks: "nevermind" to everything they say, she doesn't care anymore, with a little bit of luck she'll be out of there very soon.

Going back home from a normal day was when things started changing, she found a blck car parcked outside the orphanage, with a big man dressed in black suit and sunglasses, he just moved his head in greeting and smiled at her. She entered her house to find a woman yelling at Ms Davis:

-I'm taking her with me!

- I'm telling you that I need her parents approval, and if you don't have it, I will continue taking care or her

- Look miss I have come from the other  side of this country with the only purpose of taking this girl to her parents 

In that moment was when Lucy and her friends entered running to the house and the woman realized there was someone in there. Lucy asked, almost without breath:

-What is happening? And what is there a man outside dressed as a chofer?

-Maybe it's because is one, you clever girl - said Charlotte while making a face of disgust

Ms Davis coughed to catch their attention and said with her face: "please behave"

The other woman looked again at her and said: 

-Please would you let me take her to her parents

Ms Davis, after seconds of thinking about it said: 

-Okay, but if something happens to her, listen carefully, she is coming back!

-Okay, ma'am, I promise nothing will happen to her, that man outside will personally take care of it

And turning to the girls said:

- Whoever is Charlotte needs to pack her things and come with me, I come on behalf of your parents

Charlotte looked at her and said with tears in her eyes: 

-Have my parents decided to adopt me again?

-Yes they have yuong lady, but you better hurry or we'll lose the flight.

While going upstairs with her she heard Lucy said: 

-What?!?, you better be kidding me, is really that girl leaving and me staying in this place

Ms Davis nodded, and told her:

-Don't worry, I bet you're going to be next

She kicked the ground and went up the stairs very angry, she didn't mind her leaving, i fact she was happy for her, what she was going to miss was having someone with which she could actually have a fight

Upstairs, in Charlotte's room, the woman siad: 

-My name is Claire, I'm your father's manager, if you let me, I'm going to explain you a little bit how things work back in LA

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