My little baby, where are you?

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A long time ago,  thirteen to be exact, a couple of actors were shotting a movie together, they've been a former couple for a couple of years, and they didn't think of getting married at all, till one day everything changed

They were in their movie premiere in Los Angeles when, after the photo shot, when they were waiting to go insde the theatre and watch the movie Scarlett fainted. Chris, who was by her side, catch her in the middle of the fall, and call the ambulance. Later that night she knew that she was pregnant. She didn't feel ready to have a child, neither did Chris, but they didn't want to give her away either, so they decided to raise her when she was born. 

Days passed, and Scarlett's belly was getting bigger everyday that passed, after a couple of weeks without telling anyone they  decided it was time to tell it to their families. 

Bad idea, very bad idea, Chris's family took it not that bad, but Scarlett's told her that it was the worst thing she had ever done, and they got even more angry because she hand't told her earlier. So when her baby was born, and she was taken to the place all the babys go the first day, she mysteriously disapeared. Scarlett couldn't stop thinking about it, her baby was missing! They looked for it for a long time, without any success.

Until that day, that they found her in a orphange on the other side of the country, and they coulnd't believe their luck.

But there was a problem, and it was that all of the family was happy that finally they has found their daughter, all except Scarlett's mother, and Chris took that into consideration, because he had never seen her like this, she knew that she was hiding something, she couldn't tell what, but something 

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