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I head the song of an ice cream truck today,
It made me angry because it seemed so happy,
I would like to be so easily happy.
I was nearly sick when I was making dinner,
The feel of the food in my hand was too much to handle.
I saw an advert for sick and dying children,
It made me sad bc tragedy is so tragic,
I heard a woman say that cancer wants to kill innocent people,
It made me angry because cancer cannot want anything
Because it does not have a brain to think and want with.
I saw a segment on the news about conversion therapy,
It made me ill with rage and shake with sobs,
How can it be ok for homophobes to justify their immoralities,
I want to shout scream hit punch cry kick wail retch bite vomit screech sob yell howl

Forget The WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora