Everything Is Going To Be Ok - Lava

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She was gone.

Kai screamed, guilt, frustration and pure grief. He thrust his fists onto the wall, and punched it, again, and again, and again, until blood streamed down onto the floor as quickly as his tears. He didn't acknowledge his team's comforting words, their hugs, their promises that everything would be ok.

Nothing would be ok anymore.

Nya died.

She died in Kai's arms.

She died with the same promise at her lips.

''Nya!' Kai screamed at his sister, as she fell to the ground, face pale, lips paler.

He dived towards her, sobbing, picking her up gingerly in his trembling hands.

But, unlike his hands, she wasn't moving.

Just like that, his team was by his side. Jay collapsed sobbing, arms around Zane, who comforted him, yet the pained expression on the nindroid's face was obvious. Lloyd dropped to his knees onto the cold stone floor, not quite believing what he was seeing. Cole rushed up to Kai, gently trying to prise his white fingers away from his sister's cold form.

'Wake up, Nya!' Kai cried,'Wake up!'

'Wake up Nya!'

'Kai-' Cole whispered, as softly as possible.


Kai was a mess - his hands shook more then ever, his body hunched with every breath, every ache for his sister. His heart stabbed him whenever he cried out, but it didn't stop him.

Yet one thing did.


Nya's fragile voice was quiet, almost silent, but it echoed through the warehouse as loudly as anything else.

'Nya?' Kai choked, clutching his sister's limp form with all his might. 'Nya, don't leave me! What would I do then? I-I-I can't live without you, sis! Don't leave me!'


Blood was starting to slowly trickle out of the corners of her mouth, dripping onto her gi like tears. She was fading away.

'Sis - Nya, no. Stay strong, Nya, look, I-I'll sort this out ok, I'll take care of you - I'll get a job so I can make money, and I can buy you anything you want.' Kai was nearly fainting, and it took all his might to stop him from doing just so.

'Kai-' her fingers slowly reached up, stroking his face with a mother's touch.

'Everything is going to be ok...'

And her body fell limp in Kai's grip.

'NO!' Kai screamed, sobbing, crying, weeping over his sister's dead body. 'NO, NO, NO!'

'Kai! We need to go - now!' Cole's voice was choked with tears, but the gang members were closing in, and they had to re-group with their master.

Kai felt himself being dragged away by gentle hands. He screamed, kicked, cried, and it was the most heart-wrenching sound Cole had ever heard. His boyfriend lashed out, struggling like a wild animal in his hold.

'Why did she leave, Cole?' Kai, whispered, suddenly stopping his body to stare at his sister's.

'Listen, babe, everything is going to be ok-'

'It's not Cole.' Kai choked.

'She left me...'

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