Meet Gen Y/ Yvette

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It was 7:00 and Yvette was sleeping until her alarm went off. After turning off her alarm she got up and took a shower, brushed her hair, and put on a white tank top with a sweater on top and some blue skinny jeans. Going down stairs and two the kitchen she found a plate of pancakes with a note next to it.

Goodmorning mom I made you some pancakes for breakfast and don't worry I ate too I'll see you later. Love you

Yvette smiled at the kindness of her child  and quickly ate them as too not be late for her meeting. After she got done with her breakfast put her plate in the sink and grabbing a bag of cat food and filling up a small bowl that belonged to her calico cat she named s'more. After feeding her cat she grabbed her keys and got in her car and  drove off to her meeting.

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