Meet Gen Z/ Zuriel

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It was 6:00 and Zuriel was walking in a forest not to far from their house and stopped at a beachside cliff and sat down at the edge to watch the sunset. For Zuriel this was the best part of their day due to the stress that they usually face everyday it was quite except for the chirping of birds and the sound of crashing waves below them. As they sat there they looked to the bottom of the cliff and started to wonder to themselves 'What if I jumped' they wondered they thought about for good long while but decided not to after all they did have a lot of responsibility as the representative of generation Z. Ater sitting there a bit they walked away and went of the trail into a part of the forest that was extremely overgrown and came across a cave, they whistled and it went quite then the sound of something hit the floor started sounding and out from the cave came a wolf pack made form 10 wolves who surround them before one tackled them and started licking them before the rest joined in. "Ok ok s-s-stop please it tickles" And on command they all stop and waited for them to catch their breath. "How are you guys doing" they ask the pack with them responding with putting their ears ant tails down and whimpering "Oh no that mountain lion was messing with you guys again" The alpha male barked which Zuriel took as a yes "Anyway I have to go see you tomorrow" They got up waved, the pack all howled as to say bye to them. Once they got out of the forest they walked towards a city and to a park when they got a text from their friend Lily

Hack: Hey Z how you doing

Gen Z: Good how about you

Hack: Doing good hey are you going to the riot today

Gen Z: Of course I'm the one who started it after all

Hack: True anyway you think you can get me so footage of some crooked cops to give to the others

Gen Z: np man

Hack: Thanks I owe you

Gen Z: Yeah for the 5th time this week

Hack: Shut up I already said I would pay you back for helping me in those fights and buying me lunch

Gen Z: You better anyway I have to go to a meeting see ya

Hack: See ya Z

After they put their phone back in their pocket they started walking off to the meeting.

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