An introduction

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Hey guys! Just a few things before you start reading so you don't get confused:)
• Y/n is joining the avengers just after Captain America: the winter solider.
• Can we please pretend that Tony and Steve and Bruce and all that jazz are like ten years younger so that y/n can be with them please okay thank you
• I'm not sure how this story fits in with the movies but we are just going to roll with it



Y/n was a funny girl. Extraordinary really. Her looks? Exquisite. Her personality? Anything you wanted it to be. Her intelligence? Beyond compare. And don't even get me started on her fighting skills. This girl was top of the class, in everything. That's what you get for being basically raised by Nick Fury.
Because beneath all that perfectness, woahhhh there was a whole lot of trauma.

Y/n was not your typical kinda gal. Being born to John Garret (a very important Hydra agent) she was exploited beyond compare by her father. He insisted that she was to become the best weapon ever created. From the moment she was born, he experimented on her. It was extreme. The only word to describe John Garret; Mad. The man was mad. He stole the DNA from the worlds best fighters. As soon as they were discovered, he has his hands on their chemicals. He infused his daughter with these biological injections that painfully tormented her until they fused with her own cells to aid her when in battle. And these DNA's where no ordinary cells. Garret always went big. This man stole from the greats; Captain America, Thor god of thunder and the rest. But with the help of hydra, he got so many more, with the powers of both Maximoff twins and the winter soldier? This girl was unstoppable.

But she resisted. I guess that's what you get for you torturing your own child. She hated it. She hated him. The drills. The training. The procedures. She hated it all. So he punished her more. Starved her, whatever he could think of. Until one day. One fateful day when hydra fell and the files were released. Because there was one. One small, itsy bitsy file that a man called Phil Coulson found and brought to the attention of his dear friend, the director of Shield, Nick fury.

A set of coordinates.

A base.

Holding "a weapon of mass destruction" 

Well they just had to get at it didn't they. So a team was sent out, headed by our dear friend Nick. Now, they didn't know what type of weapon this was, so it had to be a stealth mission, so as not to accidentally set off any bombs.

Bursting through the doors came the SWAT teams. Expecting to find a gathering of Hydra soldiers ready to fight back. But only finding one man. In his chair. With a gun. Well it's easy to say that this man did not defeat Nick Fury. He was immediately captured and sent off to a high security prison. But where was this weapon of mass destruction? This was merely a dingy old base. A few back rooms and an alarmingly well stocked medical suit. Nick was furious. He had expected a big win today.

But then, a sound. A cough. A moan of pain. Someone else was hear. In one of the dingy back rooms they had left unattended.

All stations go! go! go!

The door was located and booted down, and a sliver of light fell on the weapon of mass destruction.  She was the most terrified thing Nick had ever laid eyes on. She was so young, but her eyes and seen things only those who have lived one hundred years had seen. She shuffled back helplessly. Her eyes desperately searching for an answer to these strange now people.  Slowly, Nick crouched down to her level. Calm eyes. Softening for her.

"Hey there little one. It's okay. Your safe now. Your safe. I'm Nick Fury, im going to keep you safe from now on. What's your name? "


And so that was it. He had found her. He had saved her. So he brought her back to Shield. Got to know her. Got her to trust him. The pair understood each other er in ways no one else could understand. He trained her personally, and when he couldn't, a young new agent did, by the name of Maria hill. He soon got to understand her powers, and immediately new she would be an excellent asset. She was eager to learn, strange how a change of environment can do that to a person. But it worked. And so here she is. 8 years later. A fully fledged young lady. On her way to join the team that she was born to overcome.


Okay first chapter done. Next chapter she's going to meet the guys and there might be some spice but who knows. Okay make sure to vote and comment! I loveyou all 🥰

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