something's coming

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The game is sort of tense and awkward, since Kiara doesn't speak to me the rest of the time and she glares at me any time I speak to Sarah. John B is too wrapped up in his girlfriend to notice anything is wrong, but Pope keeps shooting me concerned looks.

"What's going on?" he whispers to me.

"It's a whole thing," I sigh. I look down at the field and focus on JJ running at full speed from one end of the field to the other, weaving in and out of people to take control of the ball. We, and the rest of the crowd, cheer when he shoots at the goal and makes it in. "And I can't really get into it right now because I don't quite understand it all."

He nods. "Well, you know I'm here if you want to talk."

"Thanks, babe," I say sincerely.

"Dylann! Dylann!" I hear my name being called excitedly.

"Oh fuck me," I mumble to myself as I see Amelia making her way up the bleachers towards me. "Hey girl," I say when she approaches, hoping I sound enthusiastic.

"Hey! Did you see JJ make that goal just now?" she asks. She sits in the open seat beside me. "I had no idea he was so good!" she exclaims.

"He's a starter, I figured that was a given," I say. I feel a knee in my back, and I glance over my shoulder to see Sarah giving me a look. I wave her off and turn back around.

"I should've known. He's in such good shape, of course he's a starter," Amelia says, looking back down at the field. JJ is sidelined now, and drinking from a water bottle. He tilts his head back and pours the rest over his head before shaking his hair out. His whole face lights up with laughter at something another boy on the bench has said. Amelia lets out a little gasp. "Damn," she whispers to herself.

"Tell me about it," I say before I can stop myself. Her eyes dart over to me for a second. I clear my throat as I feel my cheeks heat. "So, um, what are you doing here?" I ask lamely.

"I came to watch JJ! And Grace is talking to someone on the team," she adds as an afterthought.

"Oh, I thought she had something going with Brody," I say, remembering Amelia mentioning that Grace and Brody were making out at our party last weekend.

"No, that was just like, a drunken thing," she tells me.

"I see," I say knowingly.

"So do you think we'll have school next week?" she asks.

I give her a questioning look. "Why wouldn't we?" I ask.

"The hurricane! Did you not hear about it?" she asks. "It's still out in the ocean right now, but they're predicting it's going to hit us at like a category two or something."


"Monday night, maybe Tuesday morning. I'm not sure. You really didn't know?" she asks in disbelief.

"Shit. No," I say. I turn around and look up at John B. "Hey, did you know a hurricane is coming?"

"Seriously?" he groans.

"Yeah apparently," I say, feeling the panic start to rise in my chest. I hate hurricanes, they absolutely terrify me. I pull my phone from my pocket and open my weather app to check the radar. Sure enough, a giant storm is swirling out in the ocean. The timeline Amelia gave me is right. "Either Monday or Tuesday," I say, handing him my phone.

He looks down and sighs. "We have to start preparing, like, today." He hands me the phone back and I slide it into the front pocket of my-JJ's-hoodie.

I turn back to Amelia. "Thanks for letting me know about the storm."

"No problem. Um, I'm going to head back over to Grace. I'll see you.. when I see, I guess?" With a wave, she heads back down the bleachers.

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