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I'm slightly anxious as we head into school Monday morning. I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire school has seen and shared my fight video from Topper's party Saturday night, and I'm even more sure that Amelia's beat down was the most interesting thing to happen this weekend, making me the star of this morning's gossip. I feel eyes on me as John B and I make our way to our usual table in the common area.

"There she is! Muhammad Ali! Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!" Maddie calls out as we take a seat with everyone.

"How bad is it? I basically avoided all social media yesterday," I say with a groan.

"I think you're viral," Grace says. "At least on this island."


JJ reaches under the table and pats my thigh. "Look at it this way: she'll probably never bother either of us again."

"Here's to hoping," I say.

Grace gasps. "There she is," she says in a hushed whisper.

I turn slightly, following her gaze, but not wanting to be obvious. Amelia is sporting a black eye and a scabbed-over lip, and it looks like she didn't even try to hide either of her injuries with makeup. She walks right by our table with her chin held high and her eyes straight ahead, as if the thought of looking at any of us is beneath her.

"Wow, she looks bad," Pope says, making a face. "You did that, Dylann."

"Sure did."

The bell rings shortly after our spotting of Amelia, and we all head to class. When chemistry rolls around, Kie and I walk into the room together to see Amelia at Mr. Starks' desk. They're talking quietly and pointing at something on his desk. He's nodding along with her as she speaks.

"Dylann, come here a sec?" he says when he notices I've entered the classroom. I give Kie a look as I head to his desk. She shrugs and moves to her seat.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as I approach his desk. Amelia had scampered off the second I started coming closer.

"Uh, well, this is going to sound strange, but I'm switching your seat with Amelia's," he says. He points down to the seating chart on his desk, showing me he's switched our names. "At her vehement request."

"Oh yeah?" I say, trying to sound casual.

"Look, Dylann," he motions for me to turn away from the other students as they file in. "I'm not getting involved in anything here, but the only thing my first period would talk about this morning while they worked was what happened over the weekend. I wasn't eavesdropping, but when all twenty five kids in the room are telling the same story, you pick up on it." He gives me a look before continuing. "So when Amelia walks in looking like she got hit in the face with a baseball bat and asks me to change her seat and put you behind JJ, I kind of had to give in."

I sigh. "He's my boyfriend and she kissed him right in front of my face, Starks. I couldn't just do nothing."

He holds up his hands. "Not getting involved! Didn't happen on school property, but my business. But I don't want drama in my classroom, so just start sitting behind Maybank from now on, okay?"


I head over to the last row and sit in the desk behind JJ's to wait for him. He looks surprised when he comes in a few moments later and takes his seat.

"What are you doing sitting here?" he asks.

"This is my new seat," I tell him, giving him a pointed look.

"No shit?"

"She asked Starks if she and I could switch seats," I say, and he nods.

"Did he ask her why?"

Entanglement | jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now