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Saturday morning finds me on the cold metal bleachers of the soccer field with Kiara and Pope. John B, of course, was nowhere to be found. He was still barely acknowledging my existence.

"I hate how this is going," I say with a sigh as I pull the cuffs of JJ's oversized sweatshirt over my hands. The fall chill in the air had finally shown up, and the sudden change had shocked my body when I got out of bed this morning. I could feel the cold of the bleachers seeping through my jeans.

"I really thought he'd be over it by now," Kie says sympathetically. "I'm usually the one who holds a grudge for way too long."

I laugh at her comment. "You're funny. But seriously, guys, what am I gonna do?"

"You're meeting Sarah after this, right?" Pope asks. I nod. "Well, we know he isn't mad at her, so maybe your idea to get her to meddle will work."

"I hope so." I turn my gaze to the field and find JJ instantly. He's on the sidelines, stretching in his warmups. His breath comes out in puffs in the cool morning air. As if he can feel my eyes on him, he looks up to the bleachers for me, and when he sees me, he waves. I throw my hand up to return the greeting.

"Oh, there's Grace and Amelia," Kie says, sounding slightly excited. I exchange a look with Pope. Grace and Amelia are climbing the bleachers to us, and I'm surprised when Grace immediately plops down next to Kiara. Amelia sits in front of us and turns around.

"So how goes it in the Routledge sibling saga?" Amelia asks.

"What the hell?" I retort.

"We don't get a lot of drama around here, so when something happens, everybody stops to watch," she says with a grin. "And since you've broken up the most iconic friendship in the Outer Banks, I've got to keep tabs on it."

"If you're going to be a bitch, you can leave," I tell her, and she laughs.

"I'm not trying to be. There's just a lot to unpack here. I mean, there's the one scandal where the famous Routledge twins aren't speaking because one is dating the best friend of the other, but then when you throw in the fact that JJ Maybank is involved, and he actually has a girlfriend for the first time, like, ever, it just makes it that much more juicy!"

"I don't know why you're getting off on the fact that my brother hates me and his best friend right now, but it's fucked up," I tell her sternly. "Like seriously fucked up."

She sighs. "I mean, you could've just let me have JJ and you wouldn't be in this situation right now."

"Do you want another bloody nose? Because I'm feeling feisty this morning," I say, clenching my fists in my lap.

Her eyes widen. "No, no, I'm good. Um, actually, we need to get back to the others," she says, standing up. "Grace? You coming?"

"Uh, go ahead, I'll be back down there in a few," she says, taking a second to look away from Kiara. Amelia nods quickly and turns to head down the bleachers. Kie and Grace are lost in a whispered conversation as she retreats.

"What's that about?" I ask Pope, inclining my head towards the two girls.

He shrugs. "Don't know. I was trying to eavesdrop but they're too quiet," he admits. I chuckle.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Grace stand up. "So, I'll see you later?" she asks Kie.

She smiles. "Yeah, later Grace." Grace returns her smile before heading down the bleachers. Kie turns and looks at us. "What?" she asks.

"What was that about?" Pope asks.

She shrugs and looks away. "Um, we made plans to go to the movies," she says casually.

Entanglement | jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now