Sweet Winter Night

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'Why did I agree again to come to this party? I already know that this is not a good idea but what did I do? Go anyway'

Y/N sighed as she watch the people mingling around in their beautiful and silky dresses and tuxedos that just smells and looks like it costs a fortune. Most of the female population that is attending the party shows most of their skins off.

'Why did I attend again? Oh yeah, because the Leech Brothers and Azul arrange this party and wants me to attend this darn party for some reason that I can't fanthom. Damn their persistent and Floyd's stupidly cute pout and clingyness' Y/N takes another sip of her slightly spiked juice that is on the punch bowl, drinking small amounts as to not drunk herself to much, but ever the polite lady that she was, wish to yeet the piece of near alcoholic drink away from her as possible, but for appearance sake she will restrain her urge.

"Y/N-san! I'm so happy that you could attend our annual yuletide party." Jade smiled as he takes Y/N's hand and kiss the back of it. Y/N grinned seeing a familiar face in the sea of rich aristocrats.

"Jade-san! A pleasure to see the host for tonight. How is everything? Tonight seems like a busy night for the three of you' Y/N inquired in interest as she saw that Azul is talking business person to person, but she did saw Azul gives her a nod as he noticed her presence earlier.

"Ahh it is indeed a busy night. And everything goes better as expected, all the preparations we planned for today is going extremely well. Though Floyd keeps tugging his ties off and whining about the, umm, stiff, atmosphere in here." Jade's eyes looks around the room to deliver his point.

"And how is your stay for the party
Y/N-san?" Jade asked as you began looking around for the enigmatic changeable twin leech as you can't have only the other twin without the other in a grand yuletide party like this.

"Hmm? Ahh it's been... Pretty good so far. You really outdid yourselves in the decorations and the food was the absolute highlight of my time being here. The music is also pleasing to the ears. Now the only thing missing in this lovely evening is a pleasant company to share and trade stories with." Y/N responds as she stops her surveying when she didn't noticed Jade's twin nearby and sets her gaze at her male company. Jade's eyes have a hint of knowing and amusement as he have noticed her wordings and surveying.

"Indeed. Tonight is a good evening best spent besides their lovers or with a company, rather than spend this lovely night alone in the presence of, nobles, and foods alone in a corner," Jade said casually as he watched Y/N cheeks turns a light pink in embarrassment as she realized what he said..

A group of ladies called Jade's attention as they noticed Jade and Y/N interactions alone in a nearly deserted place away from the crowd, looking very displeased that some random girl captures the respondible and charismatic mer-eel's attention.

'If glares can burn, I'll be all ashes now where I stand' Y/N thought as she sweat dropped, feeling the heated glares piercing her through her silky soft night blue and fiery red dress.

"Ah... Jade-san.. I think your charming attention is being called somewhere else... Preferably the 4 group of female nobles that is standing just a few feet from our position that is currently eyeing daggers at my back" Y/N sheepishly chuckled as Jade also looks at the direction of the group of nobles that is now waving excitedly and gesturing him to come over .

"It seems that our chat will be cut short," Jade just smiled politely at them and waves. He turned to look at her and leaned next to her ear and whispers, "Floyd is in the veranda if you're curious to know." Jade leaned away and starts walking to the group of noble ladies confidently after saying his piece. Y/N looks at him shyly but gratefully, already knowing that the the older leech brother realized Y/N feelings, and quite possibly, gives her some alone time with Floyd.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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