.kuchisake-onna 3.

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Obnoxious. The only appropriate word to describe the restaurant.

He didn't know if he, himself, was the only one able to see all the sparkles glittering all over. No words could come out of his mouth. Akio looked down at Kayo, expecting that she could see how loud the building's appearance was. Instead, Kayo had a proud grin on her face. Her nose pointed with pride. He swallowed audibly.

Akio flinched when Kayo stared at him expectantly. He massaged his temple. A wavering smile was plastered onto his face.

"It's um -I -it's not a bad place...?" He stuttered. A cold sweat ran down his back as he and Kayo stared at each other.

Kayo suddenly let out a laugh.

"I know the place looks terrible but the food is great." Akio sent a look of disbelief and betrayal to Kayo. Kayo didn't pay attention to it and headed towards the restaurant. Akio followed behind her.

As the two sauntered towards the building; however, Akio saw something off. A man was standing in front of the restaurant's doors. The man was standing against the door with his arms crossed and with an annoyed expression on his face. Nervous, Akio peered down to Kayo to see her looking at the man as well. Yet, Kayo still kept walking to the building.

"Excuse me sir is something the matter?" Akio asked the man, afraid if he let Kayo talk she'd somehow offend the intimidating man.

"Yeah, the business had to be shut down."

"With the way your restaurant looks I'm not surprised-" Kayo was soon cut off by a horrified Akio.

"W-Why is the restaurant closed?" The wrinkles in the man's face deepened at the sound of Akio's question. A scoff came out of the man as he rolled his eyes.

"Some people have been getting murdered in the restaurant's restroom and now people believe it's haunted."

"H-Haunted?" Kayo nervously said.

"Killed!?" Akio exclaimed right after Kayo.

The two gave each other horrified glances, both knew well enough that they should leave the area immediately. However, Kayo's flashed, she realized something. Akio had a feeling that whatever Kayo figured out, it would not be good for him. He glared down at Kayo, making sure she got his message. 'Do not get involved.' Kayo was a very kind soul. A little childish and loud, but so kind. Akio knew that Kayo could stand for herself, but he did not want anything to happen to his friend. So, he dropped his glare and let out a tired sigh. 

Kayo seemed to like the fact that Akio let his burning stare die; because she asked the man if they could go inside. 


Kayo shuttered as a freezing wind tiptoed behind her. Her arms quickly gripped onto each other, a pool of regret began to surface in her stomach. That regret reeled back in as soon as it came out. Kayo was determined. Kayo may not be an exorcist, nor a mere medicine seller; however, she did have some experience with spirits. Mononoke to be exact, but that probably doesn't matter. 

Her eyes danced around the dark building. The outside of the building may be bright and shiny; the inside on another note was the complete opposite. It was filled with shadows. Not an ounce of light was in the restaurant. It was a miracle that she could see. 

Cobwebs filled the restaurant as if it had been abandoned for years. Cracks scattered all over the walls; paint clearly chipping away, the damage fitted the frightening ambiance. She could see chipped cups still filled with sake laying on tables. Wine bottles were planted on tables and the floor. Even with all the alcohol, the restaurant didn't reek, in fact, there was no smell at all. The lack of smell made Kayo fear the area even more. Right as she blinked, a spider crawled past her. Kayo gasped as she raised her foot. A look of disgust married onto her face. She thought back to the restaurant before, the once lively restaurant was dead silent. As Kayo looked around the place more, she choked on dust particles. She felt Akio tense up, which in turn, caused her to tense up as well. 

The further she went into the building, the heavier the air got. As time went on, she could feel the weight of the air pile on her shoulders. Her breaths hastened, it felt as if the air became so thick, that it was unbreathable. 

Kayo turned to Akio, he seemed to be fairing quite well. Which made Kayo both relieved. His steadiness helped Kayo regain control over her breathing.  As time went on, her anxiousness began to melt away. She was slightly getting used to the darkness. 

"Why did you want to check out the restaurant?" Akio asked, breaking the deafening silence. Kayo's breath hitched at the sudden sound. She then glanced up at the teen and began to explain. 

"Mononoke seem to always have tragic backstories..." Kayo started, her eyes focused on Akio's face. 

"I want to help- even if neither of us are experts, I just want to help in some way." Kayo then looked ahead, a new light shined in her eyes. Akio also looked forward, however, his eyes didn't shine as brightly as his companion. Simultaneously, the two decide to go upstairs. They seemed to have searched the first floor completely. Akio looked up, they were three floors in this restaurant. He marveled at the size of the establishment. As they carefully tiptoed upon the stair they heard a noise come from behind. The noise was similar to the groans of the rotting wooden steps. It sounded inhuman?


The two yelped and gripped onto each other. Akio's eyes widened. His eyes shook along with his body. He could sense it, his body trembled much more once he realized that this time... The Medicine Seller wouldn't come to their rescue. With nothing to defend them, Kayo and Akio have to survive the Mononoke. 


Word Count: 1003

Sake: Sake is an alcoholic drink made from fermented rice.

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