Chapter 1 - Helping The God of Thunder?

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Thor brought Jess a bit closer to him and raised Mjölnir (Myul-neer) towards the sky. Everything was drowned in light and thunder. Jess closed her eyes. When she reopened them she had to blink twice and do a double take.

There she was with Thor, the God of freaking Thunder! He's so hot, she thought before she could stop herself. He looked confused, "What is the meaning of that word, it makes little sense in that context?"

"Well, uh, it means, um, sexy?"

He didn't seem to understand.

"Uh, um, how about attractive?"

His face broke into a smile and he threw his head back with laughter. "I suppose I am hot," he said when he was able to speak again. "But I appear how you expect me to appear, to see my true face is too much for a mortal's comprehension."

Jess was suddenly shy, "Well that explains why you look like Chris Hemsworth." She laughed nervously. "Um, where are we?"

She looked around and took a few steps away from Thor. Everything sparkled in one color or another. The bridge beneath her feet was a solid rainbow and all sorts of beautiful.

A great bronze sphere was guarded by a man in glimmering gold armor, Heimdall, if she remembered correctly. He eyed her critically. She looked away but could still feel his stare. The other direction was Asgard and so her question was answered.

"It's beautiful," she said in awe.

"Thank you," he replied.

"What did you need my help with?"

"You seem familiar with the lore of myself as well as Asgard. Our vault is supposed to be inpenetrable, as of late it is far from so. A few of the Asgardian youth were caught in there a fortnight ago."

Jess looked confused. "What did you want me to do about it?"

"I've been informed that you are building a scale replica of Asgard and the vault. I'd like for you to draw out how you did it. And a list of materials you used."

Jess laughed then stopped when she realized he was serious. "Listen, that is in a video game. Bedrockium doesn't exist. The just won't work I'm sorry."

He raised a brow. "You didn't know we exist only moments ago. We're Asgardians. We will make the vault work."

"Okay, fine. I guess I can draw it out for you."

"You have my thanks, Jess."

Thor brought Jess to the vault. She remained quiet the entire time with the exception of the occasional sqee of delight as they passed through the halls of the kingdom.

"Here we are," he announced.

Jess was rather disappointed. The vault wasn't nearly as magnificent as the rest of the palace. It was dark and cold. The pillars looked old and crumbly, she wondered how it had gotten to such a state of disrepair. Just from one glance she could count 5 weak points and 3 unintentional alternative entrances.

"This place is a dump," she said without thinking.

Thor looked ashamed. Jess instantly felt bad for what she'd just said.

"Well, that is what I'm here for. Do you have a place where I can work?"

His face brightened a bit. "Of course, right this way, my friend."

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