Chapter 4- Protect the Chest!

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     Johnny yowled from the living room, followed by a huge crash. Jess woke with a start and leapt from bed. It took a minute to remember what happened.

     The chest. Gotta protect the chest! she thought.

     Her hand closed around something. She held tight and slammed it into the skull of the intruder, now that it was stunned she could turn on the lights.

     She gasped. What looked like a frost giant groaned from the ground. In her hand was a replica of Mjölnir she'd bought on Amazon. Pretty sturdy.

     "Begone, giant!" she said in the toughest voice she could manage. She was anything but calm, she was scared out of her wits. "I am, uh, Aphmau, friend of Thunder God Thor! Wielder of Mini Mjölnir!" She mimicked the sound of thunder.

     The beast stood obviously not buying her story. Just then a true rumble of Thunder shook the walls. "Ha!" she cried. "Come at me, bro!" Maybe the taunt was too much.

     He charged at her and she brought the hammer down on his face. His body crumpled to the floor and let out a groan.

     "Very good," a voice said behind her. She could have sworn it was Tom Hiddleston. She spun around and it was. Only he was in full Loki costume. "Yes, child, I am Loki, God of Mischief. No, I am not the evil one as seen in your Avengers movies. I'm only here to take the frost giant home."

     "Uh, okay, nice to meet you?"

     "Twas a pleasure. Farewell." He snapped his fingers and he and the frost giant disappeared.

     Her living room was in utter disarray. Almost forgot. She heard Loki snap his fingers again and the room straightened up and broken things fixed themselves.

     The Asgardians weren't all bad, they treated Jess well enough. Maybe because she was doing them a favor, maybe they just weren't bad people. Except she was just attacked by an otherworldly monster because of this stupid chest she wasn't supposed to open.

     She pushed the thought from her attention and began staring at the chest again. What's inside? she wondered.


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