Chapter 4

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You jolt awake to the crack of thunder outside of the car, a quick flash of lightning illuminating Shikamaru's face. You smile at him sleeping so peacefully.

However, the peace is suddenly broken when you look down and see both of you are covered in scattered water droplets. Lucky for you, Shikamaru's right leg was hanging out of the trunk so he's the only one drenched. The door to the trunk was left open for the mere hours both of you were asleep and at that time, a storm came.

"Shika, wake up!" You exclaim somewhere between a yell and a whisper, not wanting to startle him but also the wind of the storm growing faster and faster as the both of you become more drenched each second.

"Five more minutes..." he replies, his voice still raspy from sleep. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closely against him, the heat radiating off of his body. You laugh at how lazy he was, not even feeling his entire right pant leg drenched from the rain. You escape from his grasp and slightly push him to get up. You reach over the seat and grab the vest he had removed earlier, 'Can't forget that in here, lazy ninja.' At that moment, another flash of lightning illuminates his face and the rumble of the thunder closer this time jolts him awake. "What was that?!"

"There was a storm and we left the car door open, come on!" your voice full of excitement as you jump out of the car and pull him by the wrist. His pace was slower than yours, 'Of course, he's still tired.' You roll your eyes. He shuts the trunk door behind him as you drag him behind your house, where he came to throw the pebbles at your window. 'So that was real. This boy really threw rocks at my window in the middle of the night,' You feel yourself smiling at the thought of him again. 'God, what have I become?' The rain hitting the both of you from all angles, you come to stop right by the tree to the side of your bedroom window.

"Come on!" You shout as you're already running halfway up the tree.

"You want me to climb that tree? Right now?!" You shake your head at the lazy ninja.

"Well, my plan was to leave you out here but I changed my mind 'cause that'd make me a bad hostess," from below, he rolls his eyes at you and smiles.


You open the window to your bedroom and jump inside. Your house had been empty for the past few hours, the air in your room was chillingly cold. Or, that could've been because you were soaking wet from the rain. You look at Shikamaru's green vest still in your grasp and put it on to warm yourself, and climb into bed.

Shikamaru jumps through the window and shuts it. You notice he's far more drenched than you since he slept halfway out of the trunk. A laugh escapes your lips but you cover the bottom half of your face with the covers. That doesn't stop him from hearing it, though.

"What?" You laugh some more.

"Look at yourself!" He turns to look in the mirror to see his grey shirt and grey sweatpants entirely an even darker shade because of the rainwater. You can't keep yourself from laughing at him as he furrows his brow at you through the mirror. "Maybe you shouldn't have slept halfway hanging out of the car, Shika!"

"Oh, yeah? Maybe I need this more than you then!" He jumps into your bed, reaching to pull his vest off of you. Your sweet scent all over it filled him with joy.

"No, stop!" You scream in between your erupting laughter. "Stop it, Shika! I'm cold, too!" He stops pulling at the vest as you reopen your eyes to look up at him. Holding himself up with his elbow resting only inches from your head, he says,

"It's sad that I didn't get to show you how your favorite star moves across the sky." He looks out the window, rain violently striking it. The clouds were dark grey. The stars were no longer visible.

You gently push his arm so it falls under him, forcing him to fall next to you. You push your bodies closer until you're almost laying on top of him again.

"You know how I call you shadow boy?" He nods his head, his eyes never leaving from yours with that admiring look he's been wearing all night.

You gently press your lips against his, holding your hand against his cheek.

"I'm gonna call you star boy now."

Star Boy ~ Shikamaru x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now