Bets Placed

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The sun glistened off the water right outside my room. It beamed right into my eyes for an early morning wake up call. Sitting up I just look around the room to make sure it wasn't all a dream. It definitely wasn't. Letting out a yawn, my entire body aches. I feel like I've been run over by a Mac truck. I can't deny that last night was the best sleep that I've gotten in a very long time. I fancied a shower yesterday to wash away all the unknown, but this morning a bubble bath seems right for the choosing. Plus, I've never used such an unique tub with claw feet and all. Something about the vintage things here, draws me in.



"I am glad you guys could come meet me on short notice. It seems like the new girl is a major piece in whatever big plan that Veronica is getting together. She has asked me to gather my best and to capture the new one. The only parts that Veronica has given me is that the girl thought she was human but she's a wolf that was raised in the human world. Before she finds out too much of her past, we need to wake her wolf up out of fear. That and Veronica wants to have a chat with her."

"So, Blanche and Kwasi, I chose the two of you cause Veronica believed in your to place you in your new positions. I fully trust Veronica which means I fully trust that you will be my best chance at capturing this girl. We need to keep in mind, we don't know everything she has learned. She is always surround by other wolf's, vampires, and a dragon. The sneak and surprise approach will be our best bet. Can I count on you two to help me?" They nodded and I dismissed them to not attract too much attention. Now, to sit and wait for the perfect opportunity.



After yesterdays festivities, I thought a morning chat with Angie and Bella would be the best way to figure out what my next step should be. Angie and I enjoyed the quiet ruffles of the waves as we sat and took sips of our coffee. Coffee wasn't one of Angie's favorites but I knew she was doing it because of me. We had probably been setting her for a few hours. I couldn't really sleep last night and I know she knows it, as she doesn't sleep much herself, being a vampire and all. My mind starts racing a mile a minute again, I just don't know how to process it. When Shannon found Cason, I don't remember it being so emotionally exhausting, they just ran into each others arms.

I mean, my mate and I ran, but we ran in opposite directions of one another. He must have sense the same fear that I did. After a moment of walking around, cause to be honest my ass was falling asleep too, Angie screamed at me. 'Oh my gosh....Would you please stop pacing!
You're driving me crazy.'

Yesterday evening, when I finally made it back to the villa before Angie, I found it odd. I never beat her, she's too damn fast. When she, finally, showed up thirty minutes after I questioned her. She claimed she knew that once I calmed down that I would me embarrassed about running and thought maybe he would be embarrassed too. When he took off, she ran to catch up with him to clear the air to make sure he didn't disappear. She did the usual Angie tactic and scared him into confirming the meetup.

"Do you really think he'll show up?" I asked her. Just then Bella came vamping onto the patio. Grabbing her side like she was cramping from running she added in that she was finally here. I don't think she heard us talking before she came in. I giggled a bit. She looked up at Angie and told her she got here as soon as possible without alarming the others that she was leaving. By others she meant the coven, if she would have bolted out of their castle without explanation that would all go in defensive mode preparing for an attack.

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