Get With The Times And Get That Hiney Clean

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Celestia let herself go with a deep breath. The lustrous pool of water brought on a euphoria that she desperately needed after the travesty she endured last night.

She had the ambassadors from Griffonstone and the Dragon Lands to blame for the stress that had haunted her sleep. To think it took all of her cunning to stifle tensions over a mere philosophy of stonemasonry. Who cares about the efficiency between rock picking versus rock shearing? They didn't have to get into a heated argument over some silly rocks. Thank goodness it was all behind her now.

The fragrance of mango-scented oil imbued the steamy air as she soaked her face with another potful of herbal water. Her body brimmed so light and warm that she could fall asleep any moment now. However, all great things must eventually end.

After leaving her royal bath chamber, robed in pink towels, she strolled into the dining room for breakfast. She took her place at the table where a voice welcomed her, "Dost thou choose to dine in that attire?"

"Oh, Luna, what's the harm," Celestia replied. She rested her head atop her hooves above the table. "The key to relaxation is to free oneself from conventional standards."

"Many meanings can be perceived from thy words," Luna stated. She sat at the opposite end from Celesita with a bowl of sliced fruits before her.

Celestia couldn't help raising a brow. "Another bowl of fruit? You know I could always make pancakes for you."

"If we wanted that, we would ask thee." Luna whisked a small stack of the sliced fruit into her mouth. The crunching resembled that of a gorging mutt. Unrefined with the times as always, Celestia noted.

"Fine." Celestia pouted. "Then why not learn something new to cook for yourself? There are all sorts of recipe books in the library to choose from."

"If we desired a prepped meal, we would leave the task to our chefs," Luna remarked again before tossing yet another stack of sliced fruits into her mouth. "Is that not why thou hast hired them?"

"Hmm, a fair point," Celestia admitted. "Then I would urge you to make use of them if you desire another meal than my pancakes. I'm sure our cooks would like to be worth the bits they are paid."

"Ugh," Luna groaned. "Must thou question everything we do? Thou dost realize we art an adult?"

"I only ask out of love." Luna rolled her eyes at Celestia's caring words. "Perhaps I should ask our chefs to prepare breakfast for us henceforth. I know a small mare that has been dying to share a recipe of hers with us."

Luna perked at her sister's offer. "We were not aware of this. It would be rude to ignore a kind offer from our ponies."

Celestia smiled. "Then I shall make the arrangement. She will certainly be delighted, just as I am right now. Ooh, speaking of which, shall I share the story of my bath?"

Luna scowled at her sister. "Art we free to say no, or will thou proceed without our—"

"There is nothing quite like a hot bath to whisk all the weight off of you," Celestia began. Luna did not even bother to let out an exasperated sigh. "As an admirer of tropical lands, I like to imagine myself bathing in the freshwaters of a forest. It is why I furnish the chamber with arrays of orchids and foliage. Oh, it sets my body aflutter like a flock of breezies."

"Breezies would die under that kind of heat," Luna pointed out, but of course she knew her sister ignored her comment.

"Tell me, Luna, can you guess the scent on me?" Luna shrugged and sniffed towards her sister's direction.

"We smell a faint sweet fragrance," Luna said. "We believe it's familiar, somehow."

"It's honey, Luna."

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