All Fine And Dandy

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Celestia left the charred room with a limp Luna floating in her magic. Luna could see her subjects in the hall, dazed and awe-struck at the destruction and the sight of their princess being paraded about like a head-piked tyrant.

Luna kicked and screamed with every small fiber of energy she had left in her. She swore, using language that would scar the minds of foals. But her defiance was to no avail.

Her demise seemed inevitable when Celestia laid her on the tiles of the bath chamber. A wall within the room held a large breach that revealed the stretches of their city. Their final clash had indeed infected their castle with its destruction.

However, this proved no concern to the sun princess as she hummed and turned the faucets around the large pool she called her bathtub. The pouring water imbued the room in a steamy mist. She collected leaves from the bountiful greenery across the room that she dropped into the rising water. Dear Faust, thou did not jest about the tropics!

"Sister, please," Luna begged. "We can still talk over this like civilized ponies. Thou does not have to—" Warm water splashed atop her head. She spit and coughed as she became wary of a smooth pot in Celestia's magic.

"We must get rid of all that filth before we start the main event," Celestia said. She filled the pot again from the pool and cast it over her body, flooding the clean tiles with mud and scrunched grass.

Then Celestia hoisted Luna with her magic again. "Thou can't do this to me!" Luna protested. "I know my rights!"

"I'm a princess, Luna." Celestia rolled her eyes. "What rights do you truly think you have over me?"

"We art a princess as well!" It all mattered little to Celestia. The moment of Luna's reckoning came when Celestia tossed her into the bath. Luna could feel the warm liquid encroach her body all at once. The wetness was so foreign and strange that Luna flailed about before sinking back into the water.

She felt like she was falling into a deep ocean, unable to feel the bottom to push herself out of this death trap. She escaped her fate, however, when a white hoof grabbed hold of her own and pulled her back to the surface.

"My, you must be so tuckered out," Celestia commented and wrapped her hooves around her sister's waist.

Luna coughed out water before she glared at her sister. "Let me go, you demon spawn!"

"I could, but then my poor sister would sink to her death."

Luna looked down upon the water. Beneath her hind hooves, she could only see an endless bank of water. "Why is the water so deep!?"

"It's not all deep. Just this portion of the bath."

Luna continued breathing raggedly as she tried moving her hooves. The water made her body feel so heavy that she couldn't manage a single stroke. "Sister, we demand thou end this madness now!"

Celestia grinned. "I think it's for the best that you stop resisting." Luna observed her surroundings and noted that Celestia placed her in the middle of the bath. With what little energy Luna had left in her, she could no longer imagine swimming, much less flying her way out. Celestia had her.

Celestia whisked a set of brushes and bottled conditioners around them. Luna's eyes widened at the tools that would no doubt defile her in the coming moments. "Like what you see?" Celestia asked.

"Thou use all of this for thine bath?"

"Of course not," Celestia chuckled. "But this is a special occasion. Now let's see." Celestia floated the conditioners before her and picked out five of the surrounding dozen to remain. "These will do. I think you'll smell lovely as a fruit punch."

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