Jailhouse Rock

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Jay: Did I ever say how nice it is to have a family?
Mara: Not unless you were in trouble
Bruce: What the hell did you do now?
Dick: Come on, Bruce, cut him some slack, it's not like he's always doing something wrong
Jay: I killed someone and I'm in jail
Dick: I take it back
Mara: I freaking knew it!
Damian: It's Jason! Of course he's in jail
Babs: I gotta agree with you there
Helena: Aren't you supposed to be working Babs?
Babs: Uh... no...
Mara: by that she means yes
Babs: Just Because I'm crippled/can't use my legs and stuff doesn't mean I can't kick your ass, Mara!
Mara: I was birthed by Poison Ivy, raised by Scarecorw until I was eight and then adopted by Bruce. You really want to test me?
Roxy: I just read this entire chat from the beginning and WTF
Steph: IKR
Cass: This family is dysfunctional AF and I'm very happy that I'm not biologically or legally bound to it
Damian: believe me, I've asked Siri how to escape this family and she replied with no chance in hell...
Mara: no, that was me hiding in your closet
Bruce: I actually have no words for that
Dick: Yeah, that's screwed up
Helena: What the hell were you doing in his closet?
Mara: lets just leave it at I was hiding
Roxy: when was this?
Mara: I don't know? A while ago
Steph: It was when Roxy was supposed to take her to rehab
Mara: how did you know that?
Steph: you called me from his closet and told me that you were there and proceeded to ask me if I would hide you from Roxy and added the fact that you were wasted
Mara: Okay. First of all. Why the hell were you taking me to rehab? Second of all, how the hell didn't anyone find me?
Roxy: you're in a relationship with Jason.
Dick: and I found you sneaking into the bat cave and you punched me in the face and kicked me down below
Mara: oh yeah, I meant to apologize for that and Roxy, Jason and I have an understanding in our relationship
Roxy: honestly... I'm afraid to even ask
Mara: the understanding is that Jason can flirt with other women and I can flirt with men and if we betray the sacred bond of our relationship and sleep with other people, the betrayed half of the couple gets to kill the traitor
Roxy: that's better than I thought it would be
Damian: What about the people before you're relationship
Mara: that's easy! They're dead!
Bruce: WTF is going on!
Damian: Mara, who killed who?
Mara: I killed Rose and Jason killed honestly I didn't have any other relationships so, no one
Dick: Rose isn't dead
Mara: Yeah, she is, I shot her and sold all of her organs and her baby on the black market
Babs: OMG! You sold Jason and Rose's baby on the black market!
Damian: how is that the only thing you gather from that whole sentence?
Jay: Becky was not my baby ☹️
Damian: I don't get this? Is he upset that it wasn't his or that it was named Becky?
Mara: Lol lil' D
Jay: can anyone bail me out?
Mara: how do you even have your phone?
Jay: the guard realized that I was a member of what he calls the Batfamily and said that I could keep my phone and my mask if I tell him who Roxy really is and I did
Roxy: was his name Gary?
Jay: yes
Roxy: damn it Gary!
Dick: Rox, who the f**k is Gary?
Roxy: he's just my stalker
Mara: and you're on a first name basic with your stalker cause that's not weirder than my pure existence
Roxy: when Dick is on patrol with Jason and no one else wants to come with me, Gary follows me to hang out with me
Bruce: no one wants to go on patrol with you because you're pregnant
Dick: What the actual hell? Roxy, is he serious
Roxy: damn, Bruce, you weren't supposed to tell anyone
Helena: What the f**k!

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