chapter 1

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y/n pov

"you are amazing! damn you be lookin kinda fine this swell morning if i do say so myself." 

what the hell, who tf is up this earl- (i realized exactly who it was) "GODDAMMIT OIKAWA IF YOU DONT STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR IM GONNA GO BEAT YOUR FLATASS!" i scream across the hall. "wow. rudee, goodmorning to you too y/n. wait- DID U JUST CALL ME FLATASS-" yells back oikawa. "SO WHAT IF I DID ANYWAYS JUST SHUTUP IT'S LIKE 7 IN THE FREAKING MORNING!" "BUT I HAVE TO PREP MY SELF CONFIDENCE FOR THE GAMEE TODAYYY!" god he's so whiny in the morning, i swear one day im gonna strangle him. "GO GIVE YOURSELF A PEP TALK IN MOM AND DADS ROOM IM GOING BACK TO SLEEP!" i shoved my head into the pillow to try not to hear his cheesy self compliments. finally i fell back asleep, it felt as if only 2 minutes had passed by as i hear my annoying ass alarm go off, "ughh this is such a drag" i say to myself. 

"y/n get dressed and come down, i made breakfast!" i hear my mom yell from downstairs. "okay mom, just gimme a moment i have to put a bra on!" i yell back. as im changing i hear someone come through the door, "goodmorning mr and mrs l/n!" "ah goodmorning to you too iwa!" (everyone calls him iwa and he basically lives at our house) as i thought, it was my idiotic best friend iwa. he's also oikawa's boyfriend (yw iwaoi shippers). "yo iwa im up here, ditch oikawa i have to give you your sweatshirt back!" "okay y/n im comin up!" yells iwa. "morning fuckass" i say to iwa, "mornin dipshit" he says back, we both start laughing. i throw his sweatshirt at him "here's your sweatshirt back, thanks for letting me borrow it." "yea np, you better not have gotten frickin cheeto powder on it or else im gonna make you wash it." always worried about the food stains, he's such an idiot. "dw i put it in the washer lastnight so you wouldn't strangle me to death." i knew iwa too well to do idiotic stuff for no good reasons. we've been best friends ever since grade school. i dont have a bunch of friends because i dont feel like i need a lot, i just need a few special people that mean a lot to me. iwa and i are always together, everyone at school thought we were dating at a point. that was before iwa came out and started dating oikawa. i dont think i would trade him for anyone else. 

"yo, oikawa has a game today, you gonna come cheer with me?" i asked. "obviously, it's kind of my duty, y/n, do you know who we're playing this time?" asked iwa. "no not yet, during break after 1st period im gonna check the boards." i can never remember who we play so i always check the boards before second period. iwa can never go with me because 2nd period he has mimura and she's SUPER strict about arriving to class on time. "i have mimura so you'll have to text me who we're up this time again rip." "lmao dw i know." i started chuckling. "HEYYY THATS MEANN, JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE HER DOESNT MEAN YOU GET TO LAUGH AT MEEE" iwa yells at me. i start laughing even harder when we hear my mom yell, "cmon, it's almost time to head out! i dont want you three being late to school!" i yell back, "okay mom, coming!" i look at iwa and signal that it's time to get going. The three of us all get our bags, say goodbye to my parents, and head out the door to walk to school. luckily we live super close so it isnt much of a hassle getting there.

 once we arrived at the school i walked with iwa to our first period (we have every class together except 2 & 5  T-T) we split up with oikawa cause we would have a class with him till 3rd period, i usually ignored him most of the time. our first period was english so this was super easy. english was my best subject in school. i have pretty okay grades, im not super stupid but i procrastinate a lot. i draw the line at turning stuff in late though or else my parents will literally disown me. english went by super quick as usual, i loved our teacher. she's super chill and understands that we have other class that give us a CRAP load of hw. during passing period i said bye to iwa cause he had to run across the school to get to mimura. i went to the main room and checked the boards to see who our boys volleyball team was gonna play next. "hmm johzenji, ive heard of them somewhere" i thought to myself. i overheard some of the girls nearby me talking, "hey isnt johzenji that team with the really peppy captian?" "yea i think so, i heard they also have a girl manager, i hope she isnt dating any of the players!" the girls chattered about. oh god, they have one of those really annoying peppy captains. "geez, i feel bad for their manager" i thought to myself. "oikawa better destroy them or else im gonna kick his ass tonight."

 i carried onto second period wondering what that captain was like. ive never met anyone, i mean ANYONE as peppy and annoying as my brother. this'll be an interesting game, someone that's a bigger moron than oikawa. i might actually enjoy this for once. second period passed by pretty fast cause i almost fell asleep. my dumbass stayed up till 3am reading fanfictions about anime characters on wottpad (a/n: im so original and this totally isnt based off my daily life :D) for like the 4th time this week. "hey y/n! c'mon you're gonna be late idiot!" oikawa yelled. "damnit oikawa, do you havee to talk to me during school?" i said annoyed. "oh well of course y/n! you're my little sister!" that's where i cross the line. he ALWAYS teases me about im younger than him, i was about ready to kick his balls. "TWO FUCKING MINUTES DUDE TWO DONT ACT LIKE YOUR ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY WHEN U HAVE THE MINDSET OF A 9 YEAR OLD! PLUS, I HAVE BETTER GRADES THAN YOU SHITTYKAWA!" i yelled at oikawa. "woah what's up with these nicknames, now that's just vulgar~" this is where i completely snapped, my leg was so close to his crotch but then iwa pulled me away before i did anything i would've regret. "JESUS CHRIST WOMAN CMON JUST LETS GO TO CLASS WITHOUT U PULLING OUT ANYONE'S HAIR TODAY!" iwa said worried and a bit pissed off. he's like a mom sometimes, it's kind of funny. iwa pulled me into our third period and class started.

time skip brought to you by kakyoin <3

time skip brought to you by kakyoin <3

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i was sitting on the bleachers looking through tiktok while i was waiting for iwa to get us boba and pad thai from across the street. "yo shithead im back with your f/b and pad thai." says iwa while he's giving me my food. "thanks bro im starvinggg, ive been craving boba for like the past 3 daysss" i said while drinking my boba. "didnt you get boba like yesterday?" i made a .3. face while iwa laughed and called me a fatass. "wow love you too" i said sarcastically. i heard something that caught my attention, the group of girls next to us were giggling for some reason. i looked at iwa and raised my eyebrow in confusion. then i looked back at them and they were starring at the court. no, not at the court. they were looking at a boy with horribly bleached hair and a tongue piercing in a bright yellow uniform. i looked to see what number he was and his jersey said number 1. "oh hey that guy must be the captain of the school we're playing." iwa whispered to me. "i guess he is." i whispered back. i was trying to study what he looked like a bit more until he looked back at me. we locked eyes for a few seconds, then he smiled at me. i jumped back a bit but i didn't wanna be rude, so i smiled back. iwa whispers in my ear "ooo he's cute, lets talk to him when the game's over!" 

//hello! this is the first chapter, it isnt much but i hope yall enjoyed it and ill update again soon! ~author chan\\

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