once upon a time in shibuya

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once upon a time in shibuya, there was an author named gentaro yumeno. one of gentaro's hobby was people watching.

there was something fascinating about how people interacted with each other. life is just purely unpredictable, the person he saw walking on shibuya's busiest crosswalk could be just some normal teen hanging out and about the city, or they could be finding somewhere where they'll get a peace of mind after coming from their parents funeral. gentaro doesn't know for sure but it still amused him, making up stories that is.

as of the moment, gentaro is sitting on a table at a café near ramuda's office. his dominant hand bringing the coffee cup to his lips while the other was laid flat on his lap.

he could've just went straight to their leader's office but the pink-haired fashion designer seemed to have other plans. for now, gentaro is idly waiting for his teammates to show up. why at a cafe? the reason was still unbeknownst to him.

sooner rather than later, two of gentaro's teammates finally arrived at their meeting place, creating the same hubbub gentaro has now gotten used to. dice barged into the cafe pleading for money and ramuda laughed as he challenged dice to do one of his task for money. it's nothing but a quotidian for gentaro by now.

remembering his initial question, gentaro interrupted their ruckus by asking,

"ramuda? if i may ask, what is the reasoning behind our meeting today at this location?"

"gentaro!~ that's a real good question ya know?~☆" ramuda responded with his usual cheery tone.

"i called everyone here because i wanted to try out the bubblegum frappe with my friends!~♡" ramuda continued which in turn, aggravated dice.

"aaaa? man i'm flat out broke, i don't even have the money to eat dinner tonight! i could've been gambling right now and–" dice started out which lead gentaro to let out a small chuckle of amusement.

"now, now, dice. i'm sure that's not the real reason ramuda has called us today, is it?" gentaro piped up as he interrupted dice's outburst, patting the younger man's back in the process.

"hmm... the real reason?" ramuda asked as he furrowed his eyebrows together and stroked an imaginary beard as he thought of the reason.

"oh! that's right i wanted to get some practice before the division battle!~" ramuda exclaimed as he recalled his reasoning.

"anyways, you see, earlier some onee-sans were–" ramuda then launched into another tirade of his stories about how one of his onee-sans almost took him away because of his cuteness.

gentaro however, was having none of it today. the author felt tired and exhausted. he felt like he was burning out. he was supposed to write another story but as uncharacteristic as it may be, he couldn't think of any lie or made up stories.

maybe all that gentaro needed was some inspiration, perhaps he could visit the town he grew up in for some sort of inspiration.

and that's when he saw her.

"waaaa~ gentaroooo~ you weren't even listeniiiiing~" ramuda cried out when he noticed that the brunet was staring far into the window, watching a girl around their age who had [color] hair and [color] eyes.

"you may not believe so, but i was hearing out your little story that you were just telling us." gentaro replied.

"really?!~" ramuda asked, hopeful.

"well, that's a lie~" gentaro replied.

"waaah! that's so mean! let me guess, that's a lie too?" ramuda exclaimed.

"i speak of nothing but the truth." gentaro humbly responded.

"coming from you?!" dice exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger towards gentaro's direction.

"coming from i." gentaro nodded with a laugh yet his eyes were glued to the window, still.

"ne~ ne~ gentaro! you keep checking out that pretty onee-san that just walked by! did you fall in love at first sight?~★" ramuda teased the novelist as he observed, dice however kept his mouth shut but was nonetheless intrigued too.

"oh her?" gentaro asked as he pried his eyes away from the window to look down on his hands that were placed neatly and firmly in his lap.

"she was my ex-fiancée."

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