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by now, gentaro has gotten used to the now occupant of what was 'his' seat before.

a couple of days has now passed and they were still reading books of their choices, minding their own business. up until the moment gentaro finally noticed how quickly time went by.

gentaro had around ten minutes left before his shift starts; hence he decided he would munch on a light snack right before heading over.

his snack was nothing sort of a grandiose choice. it was just some cereal bar; light, cheap, and fulfilling enough.

the noise of the wrapper resonated throughout the otherwise quiet place. the sound of plastic rustling made the girl perk up and look for its source.

upon meeting gentaro's eyes, the girl looked away as quickly as how she found his eyes. gentaro heaved her no mind as he tore the wrapper away from the treat.

just as gentaro was about to take a bit of his snack, he heard the rumbling of someone's stomach, the girl's in particular.

with horrified eyes, the girl's vision skimmed around the room, looking to see if anyone has heard her stomach's growl.

her eyes were struck with even more horror as she finally took notice of gentaro's stare that was apropos to her.

"s-sorry..." she whispered and went back to reading her book, which she didn't notice was actually upside down.

gentaro stared at the snack at his hand, having a debate within himself to offer his snack to the girl.

it was the only snack he could afford for the day, but it wouldn't hurt to share it with her, would it? yet then again, he himself was unsure of what she'd think. would it weird her out? in his opinion, he wouldn't want to be more of an outcast. though he doesn't show, he actually cares of what people think of him.

despite the little voice in the back of his head telling him not to, he decides against it and approaches the girl.

she was nothing but a stranger, she wouldn't have any opinion about him that would change. she wasn't like any of his classmates, was she?

"here, take half." gentaro said as he offered his cereal bar to her.

seeing her jaw visibly clenched and tighten, gentaro watched as she had an inner debate whether to accept his offer or not.

to gentaro's surprise, she accepted and took the other half of gentaro's snack. little did he know, a few years down the road, she'd be his other half too.

ꜱᴛᴏʀʏᴛᴇʟʟᴇʀꜱ | ɢ. ʏᴜᴍᴇɴᴏTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang