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"l-let's be friends!" the girl, [name], who now gentaro knew the name of, exclaimed whilst stuttering.

it has been a few days after their first encounter. [name] was more than thankful for gentaro's offer– which she accepted– and asked him to be friends.

the girl nervously glanced at gentaro who kept a a straight expression, seemingly deep in his own world.

gentaro on the other hand still had difficulty comprehending what she was saying. he only gave her food once, why does she want to be friends with him?

despite his suspicion, the air around him felt lighter, like a heavy weight was removed from his shoulders. everything was showering in a golden hue, like everything lit up. it was a nice feeling yet he was still cautious.

gentaro glanced at [name] sceptically, trying to examine if the teen across him has any ulterior motives. who would want to befriend someone like him? he's nothing but a loser anyways, a weirdo, a freak. no one would want to be friends with him. she's just asking him because he doesn't know him.

"i don't need friends."

and that was his first lie.

however, as the days passed, they were still the same. just the same pair or teens sitting across each other, reading books in silence.

yet simultaneously, as the days passed by there was something gentaro has noticed changing. particularly in himself.

gentaro found it strange and fascinating, just how humans don't say the things they mean. he can be the biggest example of that.

he really wanted to befriend her, he really did. he wondered what would've happened if he just said yes, he wondered what would've been the outcome, or what it would do to him if he had anyone he'd call a friend.

yet there's no time for that, is there? he's a busy boy, a working student. there are a lot more things that he prioritize first over something as shallow as friendships. but for a change, wouldn't it be nice?

gentaro did nothing but confuse himself over his thoughts that were intruding on his mind. he should just shake it off and pay them no mind, yet he couldn't.

gentaro found himself thinking these thoughts as he packed his lunch early in the morning. he made sure to make an extra sandwich for when he gets hungry. not sooner but later, gentaro waved his grandparents goodbye and went off on his way to school.

later that day, and the next, and the next; [name] found a sandwich sitting on her seat at the library.

sparing gentaro a glance, she found him already peeking at her through his book which he tightly held in his hands.

as realization hit her, [name] mouthed gentaro a "thank you" with the sweetest smile gentaro has seen.

there were wrinkles in her eyes as she smiled, the [color] hair fell over her eyes were swept aside, the [color] pair of eyes that seemed always troubled and down were sparkling with joy as she opened her eyes to glance at gentaro yet again.

time felt slow as gentaro's heart pounded against his ribs; his heartbeat so loud he almost couldn't hear her munching on his sandwich.

with butterflies fluttering on his stomach and his heart pounding very loudly, he went back to reading his novel.

gentaro tried to keep a straight face but found himself smiling at the end of the day.

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