11. Raina's Rehabilitation

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Raina had only been at the rehabilitation center for a week, but it felt like an eternity

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Raina had only been at the rehabilitation center for a week, but it felt like an eternity. Before the incident, she had rarely been seen without a smile on her face. She always kept her hair in tight buns, she wore the brightest outfit and was always prepared to seize the day. She would start her day by looking in the mirror and smiling at her messy bed hair and groggy eyes.

That had all changed now. She was a shell of her former self. She didn't smile, her hair was a mess, and wore nothing but murky blue patient's garb. She barely felt like rolling out of bed let alone seizing the day. She asked for all the mirrors to be removed from her room at the center. She couldn't bear to see herself, especially the dreadful bags under her eyes from severe lack of sleep.

Her progress had been stunted due to her lack of energy and motivation. This greatly saddened Forge, Borem, and Canivia who were hoping she'd recover quickly.

To help her Borem introduced her to music. Specifically soft rock. It relaxed Raina and soon she began to sleep.

Noticing Raina started having terrible nightmares Canivia decided to introduce her to poetry. And soon Raina began to channel what she saw in her dreams into poems and songs.

Raina's style of writing took up most of her time. She'd frantically scribble down words and phrases on white paper. As light magic leaked from her hands the paper would turn pink. Then she would her frantic thoughts into a defined poem written in black marker.

Writing these poems took up most of her time instead of practicing the techniques and stances forge taught her

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Writing these poems took up most of her time instead of practicing the techniques and stances forge taught her. This caused her to become even more behind. While she busies herself trying to interpret the purpose of her nightmares Borem and Canivia we're completing their training under Master Forge. Arrangements had been made for the two pupils to travel the world to find their light and purpose in life, then return as fully-fledged Rainbow Rangers.

Raina was supposed to finish her training not long after them. But she was far too behind. Not that she minded. she had a hunch that there was something more to her recurring nightmares.

Whatever it was her dreams were trying to tell her was important like someone from beyond was trying to tell her something about those creatures that attacked during the meeting weeks ago. But what were they? Where did they come from? Only time would tell.

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