15. Summer's End Festival II

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As the crowd cheers for Sigrid Vanka waned Eir and Bellona with their dragon sister-who was now in her humanoid form- closely following. The dragon sister was wearing a cloak to conceal her identity. While Eir and Bellona went to watch Nautilea's duel the dragon-sister stuck to the shadows.

Efram and his aunts waited in anticipation as her sister confidently strides onto the field which to the ring. In her right hand was a helmet in her left hand was her sword, the Sea Saber. The well-respected Swordswoman known as Pomme Toma-Lee was also in the ring acting as an announcer.

Nautilea's flashy yet precise style of fight had won her favor amongst fans. When her name was announced the crowd screamed in excitement.

Nautilea's opponent was a girl named Anthiese Aither. The crowd clamored at the mention of her name. As Anthiese skipped to the ring Nautilea noticed how young she was. She was far more petite than Nautilea who had become much leaner and toned due to her training during the summer.

"As per tradition, I will countdown from 3. When I reach number 2 you are to put her helmet on and get into your fighting stances. When I reach 1 the ring will fall and will have the entire arena as your battleground, in other words: the duel will begin" Pomme announced.

"Ready," she asked the two girls. They both nodded in response.


Anthiese and Nautilea both lunge at each other.
Nautilea lets loose a barrage of sword thrusts all of which are all blocked by Anthiese who returns the favor with a barrage of her own.

Efram sits at the edge of his seat engrossed in the action. Until he hears a voice from behind him.

"Quite Riveting isn't it?" Efram turns to see a woman smiling at him. She had light green hair and eyes just like his. Her skin was dark with the slightest red hue just like his. There was no doubt in his mind that this was Eir this was his mother. This could only mean that the woman accompanying her was Bellona, she leaned in to get a better view of the arena below.

"Someone fill me in on what's happening is my niece winning?" She asks eagerly.

"The duel just started so it's too soon to call," Said Efram.

"But she's doing a really good job keeping up with that young girl I think your workout routines paid off," said Athena

"Of course it did it was made for her!" Boomed Bellona

"Everyone stop their starting to use sword arts," Said Pheme

Down in the arena, Nautilea sword began to glow with a bright blue light. Wave envelop the swords as she twirls and lets loose a mighty spiral of pure water.

Anthiese thrusts her sword into the ground conjuring a wall of wind to shield herself.

As her water spiral dissipates into tiny droplets. She whispers
"Frozen jab."

And Nautilea unleashes a barrage of icicles that pierce through Anthiese's wind wall sending her flying backward. Although the attack was devastating Anthiese still held onto her sword so the duel continued.

While Bellona and the others raved about Nautilea moves and even send a compliment toward Anthiese, Eir attempts to make small talk.

"Your uncle told me you do sports," she said

"Yeah football, basketball, stuff like that," responded Efram

"Did you play a part in her training by any chance?"

"Not a big part I mostly just ran with her and we are some Baklava,"

"Angelica taught you right? I haven't had any of her deserts in such a long time. You wouldn't mind making me some Baklava for the road back to Valhalla would you?"

"I don't, but if you like Baklava so much then how come you never visited? my aunt makes it way better than me," said Efram

Eir laughed "that is true when it comes to baking that woman is the best of the best."

As Eir looks back down to the arena and sees Nautilea fighting her hardest it makes her think.

"As for why I never visited," she says, "I think it was because I focused all my energy on Nautilea to distract myself from the fact that I couldn't focus it on you."

"Well you're here now and that's all that matters." Said Efram with a small smile on his face.

Down in the arena, the fight has reached a fever pitch. Feeling herself getting tired Anthiese decides to put everything she has into an aerial assault.

Leaping into the air she sends a flurry of wind-powered slashes. She repeats this multiple times distances herself farther and farther from Nautilea before unleashes her Ace in the hole the Cloud Croc Cleave.

She cleaves the air in front of her causing the air above to swirl around her and manifest into a crocodile. A collective feeling of disbelief falls over the crowd as the cross lunges at Nautilea bringing with it fierce winds.

In an attempt to counter the move Nautilea crouches down and unleashes her ace in the hole: the Sunset slice. Slicing upwards she lets loose a slice of pure water magic at the Cloud Croc at the last possible moment.  Instead of the croc dispersing as intended it explodes releasing a gust of wind that blows through the entire stadium.

The entire crowd was silent, anxiously waiting to see the outcome of the duel. When the dusk finally settled Efram and the High Valkyrie all looked on in utter shock.

There to the far left of the arena was Nautilea disarmed and exhausted. She had taken her helmet off so could breathe in as much air as possible. Anthiese was on the other side of the ring on her knees clinging to her sword, when she realized the duel was over she ripped her helmet off and sobbed in joy.

As Pomme entered the arena to announce the victor.

"I think we could all agree that was one of the closest duels in a very long time," Pomme eventually said.

"These two young ladies pushed each other to the limit but in the end, the victor was Anthiese Aither!"

As Pomme raised the arm of Anthiese Nautilea felt frustration well up within her. I trained so hard, I had my whole family watching. Was it all for nothing? Was all that work and suspense just building up to one big failure?
With each new breath, she took in Nautilea's thoughts spiraled more and more. She looked up into the crowd in embarrassment.

Her eyes widened when she realized the crowd was chanting her name. And the chant was led by none other than Anthiese Aither who now stood above Nautilea with one hand outstretched. Rising to her feet Nautilea shook Anthiese's hand and pulled her in for a hug.

As she pulled away Nautilea looked Anthiese in the eyes and said "this isn't over. We'll cross swords again and next time I'll be the one standing tall."

With a smirk spreading across her face Anthiese responded "we'll see about that."

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