gather round.

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"Get in my way again and I promise you, next time your head will be gone".

Isagi said, his eyes cold as stone.

Although his stone cold eyes didn't make Bachira scared at all, instead it made him more excited.

Bachira moaned, making Isagi his eyes go big and his face turn red.

Isagi opened his mouth to say something but before any words could come out, the door flew open and Naruhaya walked in on them.

His eyes went wide as he saw Isagi pinning Bachira against the exist door.

"I-I-I'm sorry s-sir, I didn't m-mean to-" Naruhaya stuttered, his palms feeling sweaty.

"Close it, we weren't doing anything important anyway,"

Isagi walked up to Naruhaya, his back facing Bachira.

Bachira looked to the floor, doubting about what he did.

"I wish I never set foot into his office." He thought.

Naruhaya and Isagi left the office and into the lobby. There awaited the rest of the members.

"Alright everyone, I'm guessing you all know what's going on. For now we cannot go and help Kunigami and y/n, we'll have to wait for them to come back. It's too much of a risk to go after them." Isagi told the members, while grabbing a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Are you fucking with us boss? They're obviously too weak against these losers,"

A boy with white spikey hair said.

It was Jingo Raichi. He wasn't as important as the captains or the under boss, but he was there for backup and support.

"Did I ask for your opinion? Little bastard," Isagi replied, inhaling his cigarette and then blowing out a cloud of smoke.

"Sorry s-sir, he'll shut up. Right Jingo?" Naruhaya glared at the white haired boy, making sure he won't open his mouth again.

Raichi just gulped and nodded.

"Wouldn't it be a better idea if we tried to team up with them?"

Another male spoke.

Isagi looked up from his cigarette. It was Wataru Kuon. He was fairly tall, measuring around 6 feet. He had long dark brown hair that is ends around his chin.

Isagi laughed. 'Team up with them?' He thought. Why in the hell would he ever team up with anyone?

"And why would I team up with them?" He asked, another chuckle escaping from his mouth.

"Because it'd-"

"I think we've heard enough".

A shorter male cut him off. This time he had reddish-pink hair that was way longer than Kuon's.

It was Hyoma Chigiri.

"Thank god, I was starting to get bored". Gagamaru said.

He had black hair, his tips dyed blonde. He was as big as Kuon, just a few inches taller.

"Enough chit-chat, let's start gathering data from the security tapes". Naruhaya said.


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So sorry for this short chapter, I'll probably be publishing more soon. I also just want to say that I'll be making a new story so please check that out once I post it!! Hope you enjoyed this short chapter.

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