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"We'll wait".

"Wait? Are you kidding me?"
"Yeah boss, you were the one who always told us to take action".

Many more complaints were thrown at Isagi.

Complain after complain.

"Will you shut yer trap",
Bachira spat out.

"I agree,"

Y/n stood up.

Everyone turned to her.

"The fuck did you say?"
Raichi yelled clenching his fists, ready to swing at y/n.

"I- I said..."

"She said she agrees you shithead,"

Chigiri stood by her side.
He turned to her and smiled,

"Don't worry, I got your back".

Y/n looked away, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing.

"Thanks um,"

Isagi cleared his throat and rapped his arms around y/n's waist.

"Enough of this bickering,"
He then glared at Chigiri.

"Stay away from her too".

He demanded.

Chigiri clicked his tongue and proceeded back to Kunigami.

With Rin Itoshi.

"What brings you here Rin?"

"I need your help... brother".

Rin decided to pay his brother a visit.

Sae Itoshi.

"What is it kid, I'm busy you know",
The older one replied.

Rin came to his house, unexpectedly.

"Well you see..."

There was a lump in Rin's throat. He'd never been nervous around anyone else, but it's different when he's around his brother.
It's like he needs to impress him, or his brother wouldn't notice him at all.

"Spit it out, shit!"

Sae burned his finger.

Did I mention that Rin came to his house when he was in the middle of cooking?

No? Oh oops.

"Brother are you okay? I'll get the-"

"I don't need your pity".

His brother washed his hands under the cold sink water and grabbed a bandaid from the kitchen drawer.


"Well? Hurry and spit it out. Damn",

"It's... Nevermind",

"Get the fuck out of my house".

Rin straightened out himself and left.

He wanted to ask for his advice.

But he just couldn't get the words out,

He was scared.

Of being judged.

Once he got out of the building, he cursed to himself.

"Look what you did you shithead, you screwed it up. AGAIN! And in front of your own brother..."

Drip drop.

Rin looked up,

It was pouring.

"Oh would you look at that. Rain".

He began to walk home when he bumped into someone.

A girl.

a/n : hey !! We reached 600 reads, isn't that amazing? Thanks to you all I've been able to get this far. Before I wasn't really into writing stories and was terrified that this story would flop, because you know this is my first story. I'm super surprised that this blew up and it's all thanks to you guys! Again thank you, and please check out my other story "The Tall Boy", on my page. Love you lots !

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