6. Radagast returns, and Gandalf is a troll

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It had taken four days after she had woken up to be cleared by the healer. Laelynn had tried to escape as often as she could, but he literally appeared out of nowhere, every time, and chivvied her back to the bed. Once she had been cleared, though, she'd jumped out of the bed and ran for the door, shouting "Freedom!" as she left. The ellon had only watched her go, then turned to make the bed.

She ran through the halls, taking little note of her surroundings. However, it meant that when she finally stopped, Laelynn didn't have clue where she was. To her left was a mural of a large, shadowy figure, reaching for the person on the ground in front of it. The figure was holding the hilt of a blade in front of them, in a weak defense.

To her right was a stone statue of a woman, in her arms a flat surface. It was covered by a cloth, and on the cloth ... she got closer. On the cloth were the shards of a sword. The piece attached to the hilt looked remarkably like the one from the mural, and a glance behind her showed that, yes, it was the same blade.

"Are you alright miss?" pipped up an inquisitive voice, and Laelynn turned to see a short boy standing next to her, bright blue eyes shining curiously. She jumped, startled.

"How'd you get so close?" she asked him, and received a half-shrug in return.

"I dunno," he said carefully, "I guess I'm just a quiet person." He changed the topic, his interest rekindled, "Those are the Shards of Narsil," he said cheerfully, pointing at the sword pieces on the statue. "It belonged to Isildur; he's the man in the picture there," he said, and pointed to the mural on the wall.

"Who are you?" she asked him, "I wasn't aware there were children in Rivendell."

"Oh, there aren't," he responded, "I'm Estel, the only kid in the Last Homely House," he said proudly.

"But what about me?" she asked him, feeling mischievous, "Aren't I a kid too?" The poor boy's eyes widened.

"No!" he gasped, mouth forming a perfect little 'o', "You're much too tall to be a kid."

"Thank you!" she said happily. At least someone thought she was tall. "Now," she said, struck by a whimsical urge, "Young Master Estel," he giggled at the long unnecessary title, "Would you be ever so kind as to escort me to the gardens? I'm afraid I've become quite lost."

The child played along, "Of course, Lady..." he trailed off.

"Laelynn," she supplied.

"... Lady Laelynn," he continued, extending his arm, "Allow me to show you the way." She giggled, and the two skipped away, leaving the shards of the blade behind them.


"Thank you," she called as he was dragged away by his mother, who wore a rueful smile. Estel waved in return, before the two round a corner, blocking her view of them. The two had made it to the gardens, before the child's mother had appeared, berating him for skipping his lessons.

Laelynn wandered the gardens, admiring the arrangements of the flora and fauna, and stopping to smell a flower or two. Some elves were trimming a bush with large red flowers, and she decided to swoop in and take one to put in her hair. Cackling, she rushed away with her spoils, and the gardeners only watched her go in confusion.

THe sounds of laughter and yelling reached her, and curious she followed the noise, while tucking the flower behind her ear. As she rounded a corner, she immediately wished she hadn't. There, in a fountain by the fall, the dwarves were bathing. All of them. Bathing. Which meant they were butt naked. She immediately covered her eyes with her hands, trying to back away.

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